Ever since our nation’s founding, our nation’s leaders have always called for days of fasting, prayer, and thanksgiving.Prayer has been an integral part of daily life for centuries. In 1775, the Continental Congress made a proclamation that stated “a day of public humiliation, fasting, an...
(单词翻译:单击) August 28, 2008 During National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, we pay special tribute to the thousands of innocent victims who died on September 11, 2001. Our Nation honors the brave citizens, service members, police officers, and firefighters who heroically responded in the fa...
On Saturday, September 18, 2021, Priests for Life will again co-sponsor the annualNational Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, calling on pro-life Americans to gather at the gravesites of our aborted brothers and sisters. I am happy to have co-founded this project. Solemn prayer vigils ...
Continued prayers for upper ETN&WNC and those involved in the relief efforts. You are loved and we are Blessed. Show more— Bill Wheeler (@wjwheeler54) December 17, 2024 #PostAFavPic4VioletDec24 Day 17 Maple syrup. Do you really need maple syrup? I’m a sugar substitute Ari— ...
orders such as the Franciscans, Dominicans, Benedictines, etc. The life and work of religious orders varies greatly—some are primarily devoted to prayer; others work actively in schools, hospitals, orphanages, etc. Common to all religious orders are the vows of poverty, chastity, and ...
She spoke about her practice of prayer throughout her ordeal. "Prayer has been a lighthouse. I believe that all of the millions and millions of prayers that have been said in these 479 days, whether they were for specific hostages or for all the hostages or for the soldiers or for Israe...
The school district had attempted to accommodate the coach’s desire for prayer, but concerns mounted when one parent complained that her son felt compelled to participate despite being an atheist. The coach was eventually placed on administrative leave and not extended an offer to return to ...
PRAYER CALL See All Posts Testimonials So thankful to come together in unity and pray for our President, administration, nation, churches and families! There is power in numbers praying in one accord, in Jesus’s Name; all ethnic groups, all denominations, all ages, men and women of God, ...
The soaring incidence of overdose deaths makes the drug epidemic among the most dangerous public health concerns of our time. History of Just Pray No Since April 7th, 1991, “Just Pray NO!” Ltd. has tried to unite Christians worldwide in prayer for addicts and their families. Addiction has...
At the same time that they refused to publically support FAM and the families during this 3-Day Protest, many of them are actively engaged in or have previously engaged in prison reform litigation where they have collected hundred of thousands and millions of dollars in attorneys fees. Others ...