This June, celebrate National Dairy Month with your favorite dairy treat. Originally established as a grocery/milk promotion in 1937, National Dairy Month now acts as a reminder of the health benefits that dairy products provide. They contain essential nutrients — including calcium, potassium, vita...
1 Thu National Dairy Month 1 Thu Dare Day 1 Thu National Skincare Day 2 Fri Leave The Office Early Day 2 Fri National Donut Day 2 Fri American Indian Citizenship Day 2 Fri National Bubba Day 2 Fri National I Love My Dentist Day 2 Fri National Leave The Office Early Day ...
Each June, we come together during National Dairy Month to celebrate the impact dairy farmers have on the community, and this year we want you to join us! Here are five reasons to celebrate National Dairy Month: 1. National Dairy Month helps us appreciate the tradition of dairy farming ...
National Dairy Month in June celebrates the many contributions of the dairy industry to our health and economy. Today, we recognize the entire chain of dairy all month long. #NationalDairyMonth Dairy products contribute to our health in numerous ways. An 8-ounce glass of milk has more nutrient...
During the month of June, celebrate with Stewart’s Shops and experience the difference in our fresh, local and award-winning dairy products. Whether you’re enjoying a glass of milk, a scoop of ice cream, or one of our flavored milks, you’ll taste the quality and dedication. ...
National Dairy Month Celebrates All Things Cows
Physical sciences691 Research Overall research output CountShare Overall1608212.65 Overall Count and Share for 'Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)' based on the 12-month time frame mentioned above. View all articles Research outputs b...
the brothers to concentrate on a new maternity barn, keeping the milking parlor rebuild on the back burner. Designing and starting construction in 2023, the new 120 freestall maternity barn was up and ready in the spring of 2024, accommodating the 80 calves that hit the ground each month. ...
As we reported earlier in the year, in order to comply with new, economically suicidal European Union environmental laws the Dutch government’s plans to force the closure of thousands of dairy and livestock farms in order to comply with the latest and most insane to date batch of EU...
FAQs Importance Observe The National FFA Week is an annual holiday that occurs for a week in February starting from the Saturday before the last Saturday of the month, from February 15 to 22 this year. The holiday was initiated by the National Future Farmers of America Organization; a youth ...