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.atcountrycodeAustria AUcountrycodeAustralia AWstatecodeArubaisland .axnationalcodeAland island .aznationalcodeazerbaijan BAcountrycodebosniaandherzegovina BBnationalcodeBarbadosisland BDcountrycodeBangladesh BEcountrycodeBelgium BFcountrycodeburkinafaso BGcountrycodeBulgaria ...
Australia AW state code Aruba island .ax national code Aland island .az national code azerbaijan BA country code bosnia and herzegovina BB national code Barbados island BD country code Bangladesh BE country code Belgium BF country code burkina faso BG country code Bulgaria .bh national code bahrain...
Australia AW state code Aruba island .ax national code Aland island .az national code azerbaijan BA country code bosnia and herzegovina BB national code Barbados island BD country code Bangladesh BE country code Belgium BF country code burkina faso BG country code Bulgaria .bh national code bahrain...
region code; country or region code Australia 0061 New Zealand 0064 Guam 001671 Cocos IslandNorfolk Island 00672 Christmas IslandNauru 00674 Tonga 00676 Solomon islands, 00677, Vanuatu, 00678 Fiji 00679 Kirk islands 00682 Niue 00683 Samoa 00684 Samoa 00685 Kiribati 00686 Tuvalu, Tahiti 00689 00688 ...
region code; country or region code Australia 0061 New Zealand 0064 Guam 001671 Cocos IslandNorfolk Island 00672 Christmas IslandNauru 00674 Tonga 00676 Solomon islands, 00677, Vanuatu, 00678 Fiji 00679 Kirk islands 00682 Niue 00683 Samoa 00684 Samoa 00685 Kiribati 00686 Tuvalu, Tahiti 00689 00688 ...
體驗令人眼界大開的內陸地區歷奇旅程,感受名列世界遺產的卡卡杜國家公園非凡的魅力。 置身澳洲佔地最廣的國家公園,觀賞嶙峋的懸崖、茂密的熱帶雨林和擁有2萬年歷史的岩石藝術廊。從傳統擁有人比寧基/蒙蓋伊(Bininj/Mungguy)族人身上了解原住民文化,欣賞一瀉千里的大瀑布,觀賞濕地範圍內數以百萬計的候鳥。體驗卡卡杜六...
The Unintended Consequence of Building Sustainably in Australia Howeverthere is a dark side to the story, because in the very effort of reducing greenhouse gasemissions (also one of the functional objective of the national construction code), theconstruction industry has inadvertently implemented ... ...
Countryorregioncode;countryorregioncode RussianFederation007Greece0030 Holland0031Belgium0032 France0033Spain0034 Gibraltar00350Portugal00351 Luxemburg00352Ireland00353 Iceland00354Albania00355 Malta00356Andorra00376 Finland00358Bulgaria00359 Hungary0036Germany0049 Yugoslavia00381Italy0039 The003906698SanMarino00378 Romania...
australiachina.com.au 所有对持学生签证学员进行英语教学的机构不但必须遵守《 国 家 行业 规范》 (National Code of Prac tice),还必须符合由国家英语语言教学评审计划署(NEAS)制定的标准。 australiachina.com.au (b) Draft a national code of marketing for breast-milk substitutes, with clear implementati...