The culturally safe service, run by Aboriginal drivers who also provide counselling and cultural reconnection, is crucial in helping clients meet bail conditions, access treatment, and avoid custodial sentencing, contributing to the government’s efforts to Close the Gap in incarceration and health outc...
Closing protection gaps in the human rights and business context: what transnational cooperation between the National Human Rights Institutions of Germany ... The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) were developed to close the gap between transnational economic activities and the...
At the same time as we are evolving the multilateral development banks, we’ve also launched a major effort to close the infrastructure gap in low- and middle-income countries. We call it the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment—PGII. PGII will mobilize hundreds of billions of ...
Risk of unsuccessful divestitures –The court also agreed with the government’s analysis showing that if divested stores were to lose sales or close, the number of presumptively problematic markets would rise significantly. For example, if the divested supermarkets were to lose 10 percent of their...
United States Congressional leaders released another short-term funding agreement Tuesday night that, if passed, would keep the government open through… News Venezuelan Immigrant Faces ICE Detainer after Allegedly Trying to Burn His Children Alive By Seamus OthotDecember 18, 20242 News The Fulshear...
Identifying and expanding good practice policy approaches, that have a substantial effect on emissions, would close part of the gap between current emission projections and pathways compatible with limiting temperature increase to 1.5 °C16,17. Climate change mitigation efforts rely on a combination ...
The future agreement of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on post-2020 biodiversity framework will also likely call for “integration of biodiversity and ecosystem values into national accounts” (CBD SBSTTA, 2020) and will likely follow trends in adoption of ecosystem accounts. This ...
Though there are challenges in the designing and implementation of MEAs, close networking, improved human capital development especially in the area of health technology assessment and health economics would be able to close the gap in the implementation....
1.(Military) the whole corps of gendarmes 2.(Military) the headquarters or barracks of a body of gendarmes Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Second, EU policymakers and energy modellers should collaboratively close the gap of inconsistent sustainability assumptions and explore the realistic long-term role of bioenergy. Future research could consolidate bioenergy sustainability assumptions among models by checking and revising assumptions in existing...