The National Climate Change Policy provides a framework for addressing the issues that Pakistan faces or will face in future due to the changing climate. The report of the Planning Commission's Task Force on Climate Change, which was chaired by Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad, Advisor S&T has been used as...
Climate Change Performance Index (Germanwatch, accessed May 2022); Government of Iran. Iran Second National Communication to the UNFCCC (UNDP, 2010). Madden, N. J. Green means stop: veto players and their impact on climate-change policy outputs. Environ. Polit. 23, 570–...
Climate Change AdaptationClimate Change MitigationWhen a country reaches a level of self-awareness about what its future direction is; that is the time to put to pen the plan that will take it there. The National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) is one of those plans for Pakistan, it passed a...
Eskander and Fankhauser found that countries’ climate policy portfolio reduced annual emissions change rate by 0.8 p.p. between 1990 and 20167. Our average-sized portfolio is expected to reduce annual emissions growth by 0.8 p.p. by 2030. We note that substantial differences in the size of ...
All the creatures are also vulnerable as the area is sensitive to climate change. In Sanjiangyuan National Park, ecological protection and development of pastoral areas are carried out in a coordinated manner. Tens of thousands of public service jobs are provided for conservation ...
Much of the political rhetoric and policy analysis surrounding climate change starts from a premise that the challenge is truly unique, demanding unparalleled levels of focus and action. A climate-change conference could attract the United Nations' largest ever gathering of world leaders in 2015 ...
This case study aims to study and analyse what appears to be a successful co-created educational policy—the ‘Finnish National Curriculum 2016’. The author wished to understand the factors behind the success of the curriculum process, how ownership...
Climate-change policy Socioeconomic scenarios Sections Figures References Advertisement Nature Climate Change (Nat. Clim. Chang.)ISSN1758-6798(online)ISSN1758-678X(print) Sign up for theNature Briefingnewsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. ...
Tourism will be highly impacted upon by climate change and adaptation and mitigation policies implemented by other agencies. This paper seeks to increase our understanding of the role tourism plays in relation to climate change policies and identifies gaps where specific tourism policy might be required...
An imbalance between regional economic development and emission characteristics leads to varying tradeoffs between mitigating climate change and promoting economic growth in different regions [2]. This requires a reasonable emission reduction path and policy design to avoid economic development constraints ...