PolicyClimate changeAnalysisPakistanClimate change is a reality. It is happening and posing adverse impacts globally as well as on Pakistan. To effectively respond to this ubiquitous threat, Pakistan formulated the National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) in 2012 and operationalized it in 2013. Yet it...
The National Climate Change Policy provides a framework for addressing the issues that Pakistan faces or will face in future due to the changing climate. The report of the Planning Commission's Task Force on Climate Change, which was chaired by Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad, Advisor S&T has been used as...
After the 20th CPC congress, Pakistan looks forward to continuing its closer coordination with China and pushing forward the high-quality development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Haque said. "I am confident that the outcome of the congress will deepen strategic ties between China and Pa...
The double carbon goal is a wide and profound economic and social systematic change. It is also crucial to China's sustainable development. How to promote emission reduction, the National High-Tech Industrial Development Zones(NHTDZs) policy is the key to addressing this problem. Based on urban ...
Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) have made significant contributions to global warming since the pre-industrial period and are therefore targeted in international climate policy. There is substantial
Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Pakistan Global climate can be defined as the average of all the regional trends of weather over a long time period (National Science Foundation [NSF], 2009). The researchers all over the world have concluded that the Earth's climate is...
to ensure that the central government exercises overall jurisdiction over Hong Kong and the city is administered by patriots. Order has been restored in Hong Kong. Xi said there is no reason to change such a good policy as "one country, two systems," and stressed adhering to it in the lon...
Climate Change Policy Coherence across Policies, Plans, and Strategies in Pakistan—Implications for the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor Plan Article Open access 17 March 2021 Floods and Food in the City: Lessons from Collaborative Governance Within the Policy Network on Urban Agriculture in Bangkok...
(e.g., refs.53,54,55,56), the land cover dataset under the afforestation scenarios was characterised by plausible afforestation scenarios due to considering the effects of national afforestation policy and climate change effects. Specifically, the national afforestation policy from the National Forest...
“When America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold” is a saying used to describe how the massive American economy can affect global businesses, but it also applies to foreign policy in the Trump era. Monster storms Milton and Helene prove climate change is a national security is...