Amixed-methodapproachwasused,combiningpolicyandnormative frameworkanalysison migrationpolicies,educationalregulations,employmentandsocialbenefitslegislationon theonehand,andqualitative interviewswithavarietyofstakeholderson theother.Interviewswereconductedwithlocalstakeholdersandexperts includingmayors andlocalgovernmentofficials...
Although the present study did not specifically examine outdoor time and PA in a childcare setting, the findings of the study support the importance of such outdoor childcare policies to promote equitable PA at a population level. In practice, however, several barriers exist to following these ...
The government has taken several steps, among others as follows: (1) canceling laws or regulations that contradict other laws and regulations, (2) enacting new laws or regulations to enhance the three pillars of education, and (3) restructuring the MONE organization. 9. Intensifying nonformal ...