BLANE D. LEWISNational University of SingaporeANDRE OOSTERMANWorld BankJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdPublic Administration & DevelopmentLewis B.D., Oosterman A., Sub-national government capital spending in indonesia: level, structure, and financing, "Public Administration and Development" 2011, no. 31....
Coastal Development (NCICD) masterplan, better known as the Giant Sea Wall, located in the bay just north of Jakarta (the capital city of Indonesia). The groundbreaking ceremony for this mega-project was conducted in October 2014. The Netherlands and I...
National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSEIL) is the leading stock exchange in India. Though the journey started comparatively much after the other stock exchanges, it could create several records in the Indian financial market. Today undoubtedly NSE is playing vital role in the channelization ...
Nusantara is the future capital of Indonesia. That is determined and regulated by Law Number 3 of 2022. It is located on the east coast of the island of Kalimantan. The area of Nusantara is almost four times of Jakarta. “Nusantara will be developed as a city that focuses on the happines...
Jakarta (Indonesian language Jakarta). Political, industrial and financial center of Indonesia. Considered the capital and most populated city and the eleventh most populous city on the planet and its metropolitan area is known as Jabodetabek.
Spatial-temporal forest canopy density in Indonesia's new capital city and its surrounding area Monitoring the condition of the forest in Indonesia's New Capital City, Nusantara (IKN), and the surrounding area as a buffer is crucial to realizing the F... WC Adinugroho,LB Prasetyo,C Kusmana,...
Bank Jtrust Indonesia Tbk PT2.96tn77.79bn3.05tn942.00 Bank Nationalnobu Tbk PT1.92tn263.39bn4.37tn1.28k Bank Multiarta Sentosa PT1.75tn211.82bn4.66tn1.06k Bank BTPN Syariah Tbk PT5.50tn847.40bn7.02tn14.41k Bank Of India Indonesia Tbk PT413.87bn69.68bn9.50tn224.00 ...
JAKARTA, April 6 (Xinhua) -- Indonesia will repatriate two nationals who escaped from Abu Sayyaf terrorist group's custody following recent raid against the group's stronghold island in the Philippines' Sulu province, an Indonesian foreign ministry official said on Saturday. ...
4 out of 5 34 Jalan Haji Agus Salim, Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta Ashley Tang Menteng Jakarta 1O1 URBAN Jakarta Thamrin 3 out of 5 Jl.Taman Kebon Sirih 1 No.3, Jakarta, Indonesia 1O1 URBAN Jakarta Thamrin Ashley Wahid Hasyim Jakarta 4 out of 5 Jalan K.H. Wahid Has...
Massive, hilly Madagascar—the fourth-largest island in the world—is home to plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth.