Provides information on the stand of the National Party regarding the proposed Regulatory Responsibility Act outlined by Garry Muriwai, Chief Executive of the Institute of Chartered Accountants which aims to reform the way the New Zealand governments develop and are held accountable for the laws that ...
Topics discussed include early childhood development, several developmental disabilities, which include language or learning disorders, blindness, and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and role of public health in developmental screening.Rice, Catherine E....
Laura Grier - National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 - National Geographic
Impact of home parenteral nutrition on family members: A national multi-centre cross-sectional studyChloe French aSimon Lal bDebra Jones aAnne Marie Sowerbutts aDiane Brundrett cNicola Burch dChris Calvert eSheldon C. Cooper fClare Donnellan g...
es Glencore assets. Bolivia nationalizes Glencore assets.Bolivia nationalizes Glencore assets.The article reports on the controversy concerning Bolivia's decision to nationalize the tin mining assets of Swiss natural resources company, Glencore. The Swiss government has called on Bolivia to honor ...
This also allows us to mesh patient data with reecords ffroomm oowwnners who uuse tthhe ssmmartphone app doglogbook (www..ddooggllooggbbooookk..ccoomm)).. Ownerrss whoo do not want their animals to be a part of tthhiiss pprroojjeect ccaann nnoottiiffyy cclliinniiccssttaaffffmmeemmb...
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Completes the Genome Sequencing of Rice Malt.Reports on the completion of the genome sequencing of rice malt named Aspergillus oryzae by the Institute for Biological Resources and Functions and Computational Biology Research Center of...
NATIONAL SECURITY.The article presents information on the national security in Indonesia, including the country's defense spending.EBSCO_bspBackground Notes on Countries of the World Indonesia
EBSCO_bspFDCH Regulatory Intelligence Database
Reports the merit awards given to the employees of Abbey National PLC in Great Britain. Agreement between the company and independent staff union on the increase; Explanation on the pay structure of the business; Discretion given to managers within budget guidelines.EBSCO_bspIRS Employment Review...