NCBI's Entrez ( is an integrated database retrieval system. Its cross-reference system allows researchers toaccess nucleotide, protein, or genome information as well as related research articles and relevant records from 31 databases usin...
Bearing in mind the elderly living alone, the mentally- challenged and the indisposed like He Guoqiang in the resettlement area who could not go out to purchase daily necessities, we asked for a small pedicab from the community to deliver daily necessities we bought for those in difficulty. ...
Adorning the wall of Kraeuter's home is a painting gifted to him by a renowned Chinese artist. This piece of art uses traditional Chinese ink painting techniques to depict an owl with golden-red hair and mustache, and golden eyes -- bearing a resemblance to a young Kraeuter. "I love such...
There are three common problems in the process of cross-border management of Qianjiangyuan National Park: delineation of the collaborative governance spatial boundary, discrepancy of the policy of ecological conservation and its implementation,and contradiction between the living reliance on natural ...
“If constitutional reform with consultation and participation by the ethnic and religious minorities becomes a reality, Sri Lanka will be on the road to relegate ethnic conflict to the past, as in Western Europe” ~ (Dr. Jehan Perera,the morning, 5 March 2024). ...
As most of the defences raised are typically common law defences, it has little bearing on the legal proceedings in general. If appropriate, some comments have, however, been added in the footnotes. 261. See this chapter, Section IA2(a)(iii). 262. Ibid. 263. See this chapter, Section ...
In a cross-sectional study included older adults aged from 50 to 85 years from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999–2002, the intake of total ω-3 fatty acids was positively associated with muscle strength in older men, but not in older women [37]. Considering...
The milk-based drink product bearing the "Heart Smart” seal from the American Heart Association was really not that smart for your heart but was available in school cafeterias. 2004: Microsoft SPOT watch Jiuguang Wang // Flickr 2004: Microsoft SPOT watch Before the Apple Watch took the world...
This new EF is used in back-casting to 1990, and so has no bearing on meeting the UKs ambitious greenhouse gas mitigation target. However, a reduced GHG emission from agriculture means that a greater proportion of the emission can be “offset” by carbon sequestration, and suggests that e....
montaneslopes.OnereferenceareaandpartoftheThompsonRiverandAberfeldyRiver HeritageRiversandaremoteandnaturalareaareincludedinthepark. Recreationuse Therearemanyrecreationalopportunitiesinthepark,including:walkingtheAustralianAlps WalkingTrackandthemanyothertrails,cross-countryskiingontheplateau,whitewater ...