Is 1480 a good PSAT score? The average PSAT score is around 920 (460 in Math and 460 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing), while an outstanding PSAT score (one that will qualify you as a National Merit Scholarship semi-finalist) is between 1420 and 1480....
juniors taking the October PSAT are eligible. If you have an asterisk next to your Selection Index, it means that your answers to the entrance questions have made you ineligible. Your answers are conveniently noted on your score report. If you think there is an error...
The exact PSAT/NMSQT score for National Merit consideration varies from year to year and by state, but it'salways the top 1% of students (about 16,000 juniors) who qualify as Semifinalists. Around 15,000 students in this group then move on to become National Merit Finalists, and about 7...
The average of all the PSAT NMSQT qualifying scores is 216. Apologies to those students in Massachusetts and Washington, DC: you'll have to aim significantly higher and get a Selection Index of at least 223. AnyAmerican students studying in international schools abroadwill also have to meet wha...
Each state has its own threshold PSAT score, which is the baseline for students to be considered as semifinalists in a given state. The scores vary widely for the NMS class of 2021, from 209 in West Virginia to 222 in the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and New Jersey....
Students in states where the commendable PSAT score is the same as the seminfinalist qualify score, and who just did make the commendable score, may have to take the SAT more than once to confirm. Taking the SAT multiple times to reach a confirming score is well worth the effort given the...
PSAT scores range from 320 to 1520 with an additional statistic deemed a “score index” that is created by adding each section score and multiplying the sum by two. In each state, the top 1% of students are selected to be Semifinalists based on these score indexes. To qualify in South ...
No. In fact, students don’t learn of Semifinalist status until September of senior year. Compass tracks data on current year performance and historical records to provides estimates and updates between PSAT score release and the Semifinalist announcements. Last year — the first year of the digi...
If you tested in Washington DC or Massachusetts, then the bar was especially high. You had to score at or above a 223. North Dakota, South Dakota, and West Virginia had the lowest cutoffs at 209. If you haven't taken the PSAT yet and are aiming for National Merit, you should aim ...