We honor all farmers and their dedication to excellence. Special congratulations go to the winners of the 2024 NCGA Corn Yield Contest for their outstanding achievements. Check out the top national and state yields grown with Pioneer® brand corn products. ...
In this analysis, corn yield data from this contest for the years 2006- 2009 were grouped into atrazine and non-atrazine herbicide programs to determine the average corn yield for each group, classified by year and by tillage type. The difference in corn yield between programs (i.e., with ...
The price of electricity for general industrial and commercial businesses was cut by another 10% on average, thus reducing electricity costs for businesses by 84.6 billion yuan for the year. We helped businesses save 79 billion yuan by enabling them to buy electricity directly from power generation...
However, one outlier is Luxemburg, where the per-capita biofuels for transportation have soared – it is now the number one country in the EU on that metric, despite its merely average biomass use for electricity and heat. This unique phenomenon is partly because the international work commuters...
Traditionally, material crystallographic structure characterization has been conducted with X-ray diffraction or TEM measurements, both of which require some sample preparation, to perform a bulk average or single spot measurement. EBSD is a more recently used technique which provides surface 2D grain or...
At left, Mary Mukarukaka, 36, peels and ties maize husks with her children on their farm in Rwanda. At right, also in Rwanda, 60-year-old farmer Joseph Nindekwet shells beans from this season’s harvest. Ajiem Ogalla, 11, scavenges forawieo, an edible shrub, amid corn planted by th...
Valley National Bancorp VLY has announced an earnings enhancement program called "LIFT." It is expected to be conducted during the first half of 2017.
Finally, we multiplied the estimated yield by planting area to obtain the total production of all provinces in the corresponding year, according to: 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑=∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑖 × 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑖)Prod=∑i=1n(Yieldi × Areai) (6) where Prod represents the ...
By The Numbers 1901 — the year when the first written reference to peanut butter and jelly was made. 1,500 – the average number of PB&J sandwiches an American will eat before turning 18. 27% – the percentage of daily required fat in a PB&J sandwich. ...
Effect of root diseases and nematodes on yield of corn in an irrigated multiple-cropping system with pest management. Maize was planted every year from 1975 to 1980 in an annual multiple-cropping system of turnip-maize-cowpea with 4 types of soil pest management in Georgia... DR Sumner,CC ...