Targetsrangedfromtheelectionscommitteetothenationalauditoffice,fromthefinancialregulatortothepresidencyofthecountry. 从选举委员会一直到审计局,从金融监管机构一直到国家总统的宝座都是他的目标。 4. Butthisyear,thenationalauditofficeundertookitsfirststudyofregionalfinances. ...
NHS Confederation Statement On National Audit Office Major Trauma Care ReportThe NHS Confederation
The President of the College of General Dentistry (CGDent), Dr Roshni Karia MCGDent, attended a meeting on 23 August to help inform a National Audit Office (NAO) investigation into NHS dentistry.© krblokhin9/iStock/Getty Images Plus The public spending watchdog, which supports Parliament ...
Get the latest news on National Audit Office from ITV News Team. ITV News, the UK's biggest commercial news organisation.
The National Audit Office identified that needlestick and sharps injuries ranked alongside moving and handling, falls, trips and exposure to hazardous substances as the main types of accidents experienced by NHS staff.189 A later Royal College of Nursing survey of 4407 nurses found that almost half...
National Audit Office. Services for people with rheumatoid arthritis; 2009. Google Scholar Guide to NHS waiting times in England. Accessed 30 Sep 2020. Mankia K, Di Matteo A, Emery P...
For the first time in England, domestic cleaning in public spaces has been standardised with an official protocol developed within the NHS in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The NHS Deep Cleaning and Advisory Service will audit and train domestic cleaning staff with a protocol that can be ...
Burr T: The National Programme for IT in the NHS: progress since 2006. 2008, London: National Audit Office Google Scholar Kaushal R, Blumenthal D, Poon EG, Jha AK, Franz C, Middleton B, Glaser J, Kuperman G, Christino M, Fernandopulle R, Newhouse JP, Bates DW: The costs of a na...
Table 1 NHS National Service Framework for Diabetes standards relevant to doctors in training and relevant audit questions. Full size tableMethods/design Study population Our target population was all postgraduate trainee doctors (foundation and specialist trainees) practicing in the UK at the time of...
National Audit Office: Progress in Making NHS Efficiency Savings. 2012, London: National Audit Office Google Scholar Commission A: Reducing Spending on Low Clinical Value Treatments. 2011, London: Audit Commission Google Scholar Rumbold B, Alakeson V, Smith P: Rationing Health Care. Is it Tim...