Three UCLA professors — Dr. E. Dale Abel, Robert Bjork and Rosa Matzkin — have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. They are among the 120 new members and 30 international members announced by th...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States Of America (PNAS) Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 0027-8424.
《国家科学评论》2022年度“优秀论文”评选结果揭晓! 2022.03.24 《国家科学评论》2020年度“优秀论文”评选结果揭晓! 2021.02.26 《国家科学评论》2019年度“优秀论文”评选结果揭晓! 2020.04.14 2019年度《国家科学评论》材料学科编委会顺利召开 2019.11.08 2019年度《国家科学评论》地球科学编委会议召开 2019...
Stephen McintyreToronto OntarioRoss McKitrick
According to the school's website, half of the undergraduate students in the College of Engineering go on to graduate school, and CMU has been home to 55 National Academy of Engineering members. Next:Stanford University (CA) 9/15 Credit Stanford University (CA) U.S. News r...
The center's new name indicates an increased emphasis on the management of publicly-owned assets such as land, minerals, forests, wetlands, water and oceans. It will also oversee the revenues generated by the area's natural res...
GLOBAL MOVIE DAY was founded in 2020 by National Day Calendar and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to honor the way movies have captured audiences' hearts and minds around the world for over 100 years. The day also celebrates the power of movies to reach, connect, and inspire...
1.Trustworthy Research and Publication Ethics:The requirements of open science and credible research technological development; AI and research integrity; publishing ethics; information security in publishing; full-process quality construct...
Experienced Faculty: Faculty members have an average of 15 years of teaching and industry experience in health sciences and nutrition. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: A 12-acre campus with facilities like advanced research labs, a comprehensive library, hostels, and a well-facilitated auditorium. ...
Geology, Environmental, Earth and Marine Sciences Physics and Astronomy Mathematics and Statistics ADVERTISEMENT Establishedin1947,ChonbukNationalUniversity(CBNU)isaresearchuniversity… Sinceitsfounding,KyungHeeUniversityhaspursuedtheKyungHeespiritof“… OneofSouthKorea’s10corenationaluniversities,KangwonNationalUniversity...