澳大利亚布里斯班全国4x4户外展是大洋洲最大的户外、越野车、渔具和钓鱼比赛展览会。展会每年都花费大量的资金用于宣传,每年都有大量的户外运动爱好者参加,并且有很大比例的参展商愿意购买或推荐展会上的展品。 澳大利亚布里斯班全国4x4户外展是户外休闲探险行业的专业展会,吸引了来自世界各地的4x4车辆制造商、供应商、户外装...
Come to the National 4x4 Outdoors Show, Fishing & Boating Expo where you will find an action-packed three days full to the brim with the latest products, plus a huge line up of industry experts and special entertainment. With over 200 exhibitors spanning more than 30,000 sqm over the ...