Nation-state cyber threat actors typically possess significant resources, advanced technical capabilities, and operate with the explicit backing of a nation-state, making them potent adversaries in the cyber realm. The risk to lives and livelihood are both at stake at this most sharpest end of the...
Since cyberspace has become another dimension of state competition, the number of nation-state cyber operations has increased significantly. In the recent past, they were associated with cyber espionage (political and industrial), and this is still in use. Many of them have taken the form ...
The aims of nation-state cyber actors—largely espionage and disruption—remain consistent, along with their most reliable tactics and techniques: credential harvesting, malware, and VPN exploits. However, a common theme this year among the actors originating from China, Russia, North Korea, and Ira...
Microsoft and Open AI detail how some nation-state actors have started to use large language models to gather intelligence. Credit: NicoElNino/Shutterstock Nation-state groups Forest Blizzard, Emerald Sleet, Crimson Sandstorm, Charcoal Typhoon, and Salmon Typhoon are using large language mo...
The Feds are warning that nation-state actors are once again after U.S. assets, this time in a spate of cyberattacks that exploit five vulnerabilities that affect VPN solutions, collaboration-suite software and virtualization technologies.
"Any kind of cyber intrusion that occurs -- whether it's the theft of $50, a destructive attack, or election manipulation -- requires some sort of punitive cost back on the actor," he said. "If actors perceive that a range of actions are permissive, they'll pursue a whole range we...
In this week's update, ISMG editors discuss the escalating geopolitical cyberthreats expected in 2025, including advanced and persistent campaigns linked to Chinese actors. Panelists also pay tribute to Amit Yoran, one of the cybersecurity industry's most influential leaders. ...
Nation-state actors associated with Russia, North Korea, Iran, and China are experimenting with artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) to complement their ongoing cyber attack operations. The findings come from a report published by Microsoft in collaboration with OpenAI, both...
“Nation-state actors are hard because they effectively have infinite funding and they’re above the law – at least in their country,” said Roberto, Principal Consultant and Lead Investigator of the Microsoft Detection and Response Team. “They have very good technical resources, s...