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nation of islam基本解释 伊斯兰民族组织 分词解释 nation国家 Islam伊斯兰教 猜你喜欢 nation red血色国度 jyp nation家族演唱会 seven nation army七国军队 live nationlive nation娱乐公司:总部位于美国的一家全球性娱乐公司,主要从事演唱会、音乐节、体育赛事等活动的策划、组织和推广。 outfitters nation服装商国家 ...
Nation of Islam 英 [ˈneɪʃn ɒv ˈɪzlɑːm] 美 [ˈneɪʃn əv ˈɪzlɑːm]网络 伊斯兰国度; 全美伊斯兰联盟; 伊斯兰国; 伊斯兰民族; 伊斯兰民族组织 ...
Islam is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity, with about 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. Although its roots go back further, scholars typically date the creation of Islam to the 7th century, making it the youngest of the major worl
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The Nation of Islam’s Courses In Islamic Sciences are conducted live & online by instructors of Mosque Maryam International Center and Muhammad University of Islam. Our high-level of engagement provides access to instructors for effective delivery of courses, while providing the flexibility to stay ...
B. CPD Nation of Islam N (US)→ Nación f del Islam Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 nation (ˈneiʃən) noun 1. a group...
nation of islamphr. 伊斯兰民族组织,伊斯兰国,伊斯兰民族 shiah islamphr. 什叶派(教徒) pillar of islamphr. 伊斯兰的支柱 sunni islamphr. 逊尼派,伊斯兰教的逊尼派 house of islamphr. 伊斯兰教地区 supporters of islamphr. 伊拉克的逊尼派伊斯兰组织 ...
The Nation of Islam’s Courses In Islamic Sciences are conducted live & online by instructors of Mosque Maryam International Center and Muhammad University of Islam. Our high-level of engagement provides access to instructors for effective delivery of courses, while providing the flexibility to stay ...
Minister Don Muhammad, the longtime leader of Boston’s headquarters of the Nation of Islam and a confidant of Louis Farrakhan, died on Tuesday, according to his successor. The 87-year-old “Minister Don,” as he wasknown to manyin the community and thecity’s halls of power alike, led...