Elizabeth says: May 12, 2007 at 8:54 pm Loved Quarter Share and am delighted there is a sequel. Only wish that the Half Share episodes were all up as well as the next few books. There are more books coming, right? Keep up the excellent writing! Reply Sarah says: May 19, 2007...
yes dance; you see, when Baby Doll starts movin’ them hips of hers, she plunges into a fantasy world of her own doing. And then we witness all sorts of crazy things, and she returns back from the fantasy and the mission is complete...
the Short-Sighted Woman (Rachel Weisz). It’s here that the movie shows glimmers of hope for the hopeless as David and this woman are drawn to one another. They’re in a world of outcasts but
I suppose expectations will create a different prism for each person to view the film.The SimpsonsTV show has never been terribly rude, and when it comes to satire it jabs more than eviscerates; in reality, the show has a terribly large heart and treads in moral and ethical dilemmas. It’...