” says writer-producer Scott Rosenberg. “We were so unbelievably lucky to have made this movie at a time when Natalie Portman was a viable human being,” he adds. “We saw a lot of girls
Siegel, Tatiana
Portman plays the distraught yet understanding wife of Tobey Maguire inBrothers. In the film, Maguire plays a soldier named Sam who is deployed in Afghanistan, having to leave his college sweetheart Grace, whom he is married to and has children with. Meanwhile, Tommy (Jake Gyllenhall), who is...
In the trailer forBrothers,Jake Gyllenhaalconsoles the grievingNatalie Portmanand her children following the supposed death of Jake's brother,Tobey Maguire. There's just one little problem with this, which the trailer isn't shy about revealing: Tobey's not dead. Call this a different kind of ...
红毯娜塔莉·波特曼-DG(Red Carpet Nathalie Portman - DG) 序曲电影《沉睡的空虚》(Prologue Films Sleepy Hollow) 娜塔莉·波特曼访谈录& Tobey Maguire for RTL大道(Interview with Natalie Portman & Tobey Maguire for RTL Boulevard) 花束般的恋爱 正片片段 ...
演员:杰克·吉伦哈尔/娜塔莉·波特曼 剧情:美国陆战队员山姆在阿富汗执行任务时生死不明。弟弟汤米与嫂子格蕾丝渐渐产生微妙情愫。山姆死里逃生回到家中,性情却大变……美国陆战队员山姆在阿富汗执行任务时生死不明。弟弟汤米与嫂子格蕾丝渐渐产生微妙情愫。...查看更多>> ...
娜塔莉·波特曼访谈录& Tobey Maguire for RTL大道(Interview with Natalie Portman & Tobey Maguire for RTL Boulevard) 人脸跟踪实验(face tracking experiment) 走开(Walking away) 休假官员预告片#1 _2015_ - 埃德赫尔姆斯, 克里斯蒂娜阿普尔盖特电影高清(Vacation Official Trailer #1 _2015_ - Ed Helms, Christina...