total addresses 2, allocated 0 (0%), misses 0 nat-limit statistics: max entry: max allowed 0, used 0, missed 0 In-to-out drops: 0 Out-to-in drops: 0 Pool stats drop: 0 Mapping stats drop: 0 Port block alloc fail: 0 IP alias add fail: 0 Limit entry add fail: 0 NAT-Router...
當內部全域性地址與本地介面匹配時,NAT將安裝IP別名和ARP條目,在這種情況下,路由器可以對這些地址進行proxy-arp。如果不需要此行為,請使用no-alias關鍵字。 配置NAT池時,add-route選項可用於自動路由注入。 問:Cisco IOS NAT支援多少個併發NAT會話? A. NAT會話限制由路由器中的可用DRAM數量限定。每個NAT轉換在DRAM...
ip nat inside source static route-map DIVERT2 reversible no-alias 根据访问的目的地址设置静态转换, 访问150.1.5.0 的目的地址转换为150.1.4.5 访问160.1.55.0 的目的地址转换为150.1.4.55 reversible check route-map for out->in traffic no-alias Do not create an alias for the glob...
CLONENUM_START=”20” #设置虚拟接口(CLONE–克隆)的起始“编号”在本例中,将从20开始,21,22,23…… NO_ALIASROUTING=yes #该选项可以设置在主配置文件中(ifcfg-eth0) #虚拟接口可以继承主配置文件中的设置,其作用是避免虚拟接口在从新定义路由信息,导致路由访问缓慢的问题。 1.2.3 命令方式 ip addr add 1...
How many celebrities named Natalia can you think of? The famous Natalias below have many different professions, including notable actors named Natalia, famous ...
NO_ALIASROUTING=yes #该选项可以设置在主配置文件中(ifcfg-eth0) #虚拟接口可以继承主配置文件中的设置,其作用是避免虚拟接口在从新定义路由信息,导致路由访问缓慢的问题。 1.2.3 命令方式 ip addr add dev $OUTGOING 1.4 路由设置 1.4.1 ...
no-alias Do not create an alias for the global address 做特殊的DNS解析。如果是两个运营商连接,在联通内部的主机使用本运营商的DNS做解析,也可以使用连接的电信的DNS做解析。此参数就是确定到底应该用那个DNS服务器做解析。此种情况不常用。 当一个外网服务器,通过ISP回包的给内网的一个获得了公有IP的服务...
no keepalive interface vasiright1 vrf forwarding BLUE ip address no keepalive ip nat pool NAT-POOL prefix-length 24 ip nat inside source static no-alias ip nat outside source list NAT pool NAT-POOL ip route 0.0...
KnownProbeNoHealthyBackendsBehavior KnownProbeProtocol KnownProcessorArchitecture KnownProtocol KnownProtocolType KnownProvisioningState KnownPublicIPAddressMigrationPhase KnownPublicIPAddressSkuName KnownPublicIPAddressSkuTier KnownPublicIPPrefixSkuName KnownPublicIPPrefixSkuTier KnownResiliencyModel KnownRouteFilterRuleTyp...
When the inside global address is matched with the local interface, NAT installs an IP alias and an ARP entry, in which case the router will proxy−arp for these addresses. If this behavior is not wanted, use the no−alias keyword. When a NAT pool is configured, the add−route ...