Nat King Cole Story 表演者: Nat King Cole 流派: 爵士专辑类型: 专辑介质: CD 发行时间: 2001-03-20 出版者: EMI 唱片数: 2 条形码: 0077779512928 豆瓣评分 9.6 221人评价 5星 83.0% 4星 13.5% 3星 3.5% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 想听 在听 听过 评价: ...
在Apple Music 上收听Nat "King" Cole的《The Nat King Cole Story》。1991年。36 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 44 分钟
在Apple Music 上收听Nat "King" Cole的《The Nat 'king' Cole Story Vol. 2: Stardust (Remastered)》。2010年。20 首歌曲。时长:55 分钟
专辑名:The Nat King Cole Story 歌手:Nat King Cole 发行时间:1991-01-01 简介: <The Nat King Cole Story> - 歌曲列表 全部播放播放全选 01Nat King Cole - Straighten Up And Fly Right 02Nat King Cole - Sweet Lorraine 03Nat King Cole - It's Only A Paper Moon ...
Jenn Goddu, Correspondent
你说的这个《《The Nat King Cole Story》》既是他发表的一张专辑,同时也是一部电影,翻译成中文就是,纳京高的故事or纳特·金·科尔的故事,都差不多的意思。电影名称还是以英文为准,比较好。Nat在电影中出现,最有名的是在《St Louis Blues(圣路易斯蓝调)》中出演爵士乐作曲家 W.C. Handy。...
电影:The Nat 'King' Cole Musical Story 00 上映时间:1955-12-05 地区:美国 类型:传记片 导演:Will Cowan 主演:Nat King Cole 总播放:0 今日新增播放: 分享: 介绍 我来说两句 暂无
(which reached number two, held off by a new-fangled kind of song byBill Haley and his Cometscalled"Rock Around the Clock") and"If I May,"the first of several with backing vocals by breakthrough Capitol quartetThe Four Knights.The Nat "King" Cole Musical Story, an 18-minute ...
In the years beforeNat King Colebecame one of the leading solo vocalists in America and around the world, there was a song that represented the high point of his achievements with his jazz trio. It would even inspire the African American military pilots who fought in World War II and became...
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