LIVE CHART LINK - Quote Coffeeguyzz Advanced Member GM Members + 454 212 posts Tom Nolan Legend TN Members + 2,443 4,619 posts January 12, 2021 [NOTE - OILPRICE.COM is referred to in this Zero Hedge article] ...
And with exuberant Democrats gathered in Chicago this week, Pelosi described a different kind of mission: Not letting off the gas pedal. “What’s going to be hard is just keep everybody focused on winning the election, because there’s so much euphoria. But there’s nothing automatic h...
The chart below shows how a company's share price and consensus price target have changed over time. The dark blue line represents the company's actual price. The lighter blue line represents the stock's consensus price target. The even lighter blue range in the background of the two lines...
Water Heater Size Chart: People Gallons Natural Gas= 2 = 30-40 3 = 40 4 = 50 5 or more 50-75 Electric= ( don't produce as much as Natural Gas ) 1-2= 30-40 3-4= 50 4 or more = 50-80 Storage tank water heaters are the most common type and the best water heater ...