It is the responsibility of each competitor to ensure that the marking remains intact. Markings will be considered as damaged from the moment they cannot be read by the marking system approved by the FIA. 9.1.6) Pendant la Compétition, aucun pilote ne pourra utiliser plus que le nombre ...
25.9 Les commissaires techniques désignés pour le 25.9 The scrutineers appointed for marking will marquage superviseront les changements de supervise tyre changes. pneus. 25.10 Le personnel du fabricant de pneus sera autorisés à contrôler et mesurer la température et la pression des pneus ...
In the Maya Long Count calendar, the previous world ended after 13 b'ak'tuns, or roughly 5,125 years. The Long Count's "zero date" was set at a point in the past marking the end of the third world and the beginning of the current one, which corresponds to 11 August 3114 BCE (...