Nat. Biotech. | 海量数据举措和AI为大流行病预测提供了试验平台 收集大规模流行病学数据集的举措旨在通过国家COVID-19统计,以了解新的冠状病毒并帮助公共卫生政策制定者。 英国的两项人口规模的COVID-19研究:OpenSAFELY和COVID-19症状研究,首次有力地证明了大数据的力量,可以穿过大流行病产生的混乱的大量信息和统计...
Nat. Biotech. | 海量数据举措和AI为大流行病预测提供了试验平台 收集大规模流行病学数据集的举措旨在通过国家COVID-19统计,以了解新的冠状病毒并帮助公共卫生政策制定者。 英国的两项人口规模的COVID-19研究:OpenSAFELY和COVID-19症状研究,首次有力地证明了大数据的力量,可以穿过大流行病产生的混乱的大量信息和统计...
Article Open access 13 March 2024 Data availability The RNA-seq data are deposited in the NCBI-SRA database (PRJNA1171028) and the Genome Sequence Archive database (CRA013469). All data supporting the findings of this study are available within the paper and its Supplementary Information. Sourc...
Fig. 5. Genome comparison of icosahedral membrane-containing euryarchaeal dsDNA virus isolates belonging to the family Spherolipoviridae. Gray arrows, ORFs and genes; other colored arrows, homologous genes coding for structural virion proteins (VPs) indicated above; light blue arrow heads, inverted te...
Popcorn is one of the oldest forms of corn and has existed for over 5,000 years. It was first discovered by Native Americans, who believed that popping kernels held spiritual power. The kernels were heated over fires in clay pots until they “popped” into fluffy pieces. How It’s Made ...
27.04.2024 It was an amazing meeting atSORB 2024 (Southern Ontario Reproductive Biology Annual Meeting)– thanks for having me as yourkeynotespeaker on“Spermbots: Bringing microrobotics into reproductive science”. So honoured to meet the Southern Ontario Repro Community!Great job Samantha and Mathil...
Fig. 5: NAT10 promotes SSP genes transcription and serine biosynthesis through HOXA9/MENIN. a, Heatmap of hypo-acetylation genes related to transcription regulation and haematopoietic differentiation in NAT10 knockdown MOLM13 cells.b, The interactome of NAT10 targets that are essential for leukaemia...
期刊名称Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology NAT REV MOL CELL BIO 期刊ISSN1471-0072 期刊官方网站 是否OANo 出版商Nature Publishing Group 出版周期Monthly 文章处理费登录后查看 始发年份2000 年文章数52 影响因子81.3(2023)scijournal影响因子greensci影响因子 ...
HEK293T Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology GNHu17 Experimental models: Organisms/strains BALB/c-nu mice the Animal Core Facility of Nanjing Medical University N/A Oligonucleotides NatD-sgRNA1: ATTGAATGTAAGCGAGTGTC This paper N/A NatD-sgRNA2: CATGGTTTGCATATTCGTTT This paper N/A FOXA2-siRN...
Jin Zhang课题组致力于研究蛋白激酶和磷酸酶功能调节的时空机制。Richard L. Huganir课题组致力于研究大脑功能和神经递质受体的调节。在这篇文章中,他们合作开发了超敏感的蛋白激酶A(PKA,Protein Kinase A)活性感受器(ExRai-AKAR2)。利用该感受器,他们实现了对活细胞以及小鼠大脑皮质中蛋白激酶A活性进行敏感快速监测。