leave a nasty taste in the mouth To give one a negative impression (based on something that has already happened). I don't know, man, the fact that he lied to you just leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. The way they conducted the interview left a nasty taste in the mouth. I don...
When you feel you've been cheated, it alwaysleaves a nasty taste in the mouth(=makes you feel upset or angry afterwards) . 你发现受骗时,总会有一种懊恼的感觉。 【例句】 The weatherturned nastytowards the evening. 傍晚时分天气变坏了。
Hoax Leaves a Nasty Taste in the Mouth; Elaborate Prank Phone Calls Give Restaurant Managers a HeadacheByline: Richard Fletcher
leave a nasty (or bad) taste in one's mouth 留下一个坏印象 A:I had to announce his innocence in court today, but it left a nasty taste in my mouth. A:今天我不得不在法庭上宣布他无罪,可是我心里觉得不对劲。 B:You mean you suspect him? B:你是说你怀疑他? A:I'm not sure. I...
I know it was necessary to punish the child, but nevertheless it left a nasty taste in my mouth. 我明知有必要惩罚这个孩子,可是我仍然感到懊悔。 2. I had to announce his innocence in court today, but it left a nasty taste in my mouth. 今天我不得不在法庭上宣布他无罪,可是我心里觉得不对...
The food left a nasty taste in my mouth. Mean (transitive) To intend, to plan (to do); to have as one's intention. I didn't mean to knock your tooth out. I mean to go to Baddeck this summer. I meant to take the car in for a smog check, but it slipped my mind. The auth...
She had a nasty skiing accident. 她滑雪时出了严重事故. * The news gave me a nasty shock. 我得知那一消息大为震惊. 用法: 4 (idm 习语) leave a bad/nasty taste in the mouth => leave1. a nasty piece of work (infml) unpleasant or untrustworthy person 讨厌的或不可靠的人....
词组leave a nasty taste in the(或sb.'s) mouth 留下坏印象;使心烦;使愤怒 • What he had done left a nasty taste in my mouth. 他的所作所为给我留下了很坏的印象。 a nasty piece of work 不诚实的(或凶暴、可能惹找麻烦的) –nastily adv –nastiness n U 随便看 丽质 举 举一反...
39 、His rudeness to his parents left a nasty taste in my mouth.───他对父母的粗暴态度,给我留下很不好的印象。 40 、The title is no stranger to nasty feuds and gossip.───"法国**"选美比赛总是充满了明争暗斗和流言蜚语。 41 、She screwed up her face at the nasty smell .───...
(非正式)棘手的问题(或任务) 2. a nasty piece (或 bit) of work (informal)an unpleasant or untrustworthy person (非正式)令人不快的人;不值得信赖的人 3. a nasty taste in the mouth 4. something nasty in the woodshed 点击展开全部用法 拍照翻译 语音翻译 智能背词 下载金山词霸APP...