一、联系模型检查支持 msc patran 2019发布了增强型接触模型检查功能,现在支持这些功能的大部分要访问这些模型检查功能,只需打开检查任何标准溶液序列的接触模型切换,分析中接触控制表下的101-200和400 SOLS 101和400的应用程序或解决方案参数表,其他解决方案(SOL 200的优化参数表)。二、增强的镜像选项 在上一个版本...
MSC.Nastran (R) Sol200Blended Wing Body (BWB)aircraftChanges of the structural design are one of the essentials in the investigation and optimization of ... LU Hansen,P Horst - 《Computers & Structures》 被引量: 92发表: 2008年 AN INTEGRATED OPTIMIZATION APPROACH FOR LAMINATED COMPOSITE PANELS...
Automated structural optimization of flexible components using MSC.ADAMS/Flex and MSC.Nastran Sol200Dieter EmmrichPascal HaeusslerAlbert Albers
MSC Corporate Web Site The MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation's Web site provides several sources of information that can assist you in running MSC.Nastran and our other products. MSC's Web address is http://www.macsch.com Here you can find out what is new with MSC, read white papers on ...
设计仿真 | 直播预告-基于Web App实现Nastran SOL200 快速优化 2023-03-09 结构优化在工程领域的应用非常广泛,在企业开发产品时,可以帮助企业减小生产成本和提升产品竞争力。目前,工程师在对结构进行优化设计时,虽然可以借助仿真软件的优化求解功能进行结构的优化设计计算,但是,在定义结构优化模型时,需要具备全面的优化...
WorldwideWeb .mscsoftware Disclaimer MSC.SoftwareCorporationreservestherighttomakechangesinspecificationsandotherinformationcontained inthisdocumentwithoutpriornotice. Theconcepts,methods,andexamplespresentedinthistextareforillustrativeandeducationalpurposesonly, andarenotintendedtobeexhaustiveortoapplytoanyparticularengineeri...
23 MSC.Software Corporate Web Site, 24 2 Throughput and Overview, 28 User Productivity Distributed Parallel Computing, 29 Distributed Parallel Frequency Responses, 32 Distributed Parallel Normal Modes Analysis, 37 Distributed Parallel Linear Static Analysis (SOL 101), 40 Complex Eigenvalue Analysis, 46...