Naspers Limited price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series. Chart represents Naspers Limited price and volume over 1Y period The chart has 2 X axes displaying Time, and Time. The chart has 2 Y axes displaying symbol price, and symbol volume.. Feb 2025Dec 2024Oct 2024Aug 2024Jun...
Share price & market cap Link to Investors page from breadcrumb Link to Share information page from breadcrumb Share price & market capSign up for alerts Stay connected with our email alert service Subscribe here Link to homepage Quick links The Group Digital growth Our impact News & ...
Advantages of the share swap include limited tax leakage and moving asset ownership abroad May 12 2021 Naspers launches share swap deal with Prosus to reduce impact of Tencent stake Dutch-listed Prosus to acquire 45% of shares in South African parent ...
Prosuswill begin selling small numbers of ordinary shares in Tencent Holdings Limited (“Tencent”) held by the Group (“Tencent Shares”) regularly and in an orderly manner, while concurrently purchasing Prosus Shares andNaspersShares pursuant to the Repurchase Programme, as long as the Group’s ...
Naspers Limited (JSE: NPN; LSE: NPSN) ("Naspers") has sold 22 million N ordinary shares (the "Prosus N Ordinary Shares") in Prosus N.V. ("Prosus"), corresponding to c. 1.4% of the issued Prosus N Ordinary Shares, at a price per Prosus N Ordinary Share of €67.50, resulting in...
Naspers remains under investor pressure to find more solutions to the gap between its share price and assets, including its 26 per cent stake in Tencent, which Naspers has said remains of strategic value. Prosus has been seeking to increase returns and profitability in its other assets. It has...
Access limited to Free Statistics. Premium Statistics are not included. Free Statistics Based on your interests Starter Account For single users $149 USD per month, billed annually 1 Buy now Free Statistics Premium Statistics The statistic on this page is a Premium Statistic and is includ...
Tencent said it supports the move and expects the impact of the share sale to be "limited". Separately, Prosus said it had sold a $3.67 billion stake Prosus and Naspers shares have fallen sharply over the past year amid a tech sector sell-off and a Chinese government c...
SymbolLast PriceChange PROSFProsus N.V. 39.40 Pre. 39.50 1.19% 0.26% NPSNY 43.15 0.09% Naspers Limited PROSYProsus N.V. 7.81 Post. 7.81 -0.38% 0.00% MTNOF 6.15 25.51% MTN Group Limited ZLNDYZalando SE 18.91 Post. 18.91 2.77%
Naspers, which promised not to sell any more of its Tencent shares for the next three years, saw its own share price fall 8.6% on Thursday. Latest in Tech 1 hour ago Tech - A.I. Elon Musk’s OpenAI bid creates a legal maze and investor uncertainty—which is probably just what he wa...