从整体上看,NASM体系的技能树是这样的, 先取得NASM-CPT(Certificate Personal Trainer)证书,随后再根据个人兴趣和需求学习不同的专项知识(目前共11个),如针对女性训练的WFS,针对老人训练的SFS,针对高尔夫球手训练的GFS,针对体态矫正的CES,针对减重的WLS,针对未成年儿童的YES,针对MMA选手训练的MMACS等等。而我目前正在...
Considering the immense impact that choosing an adequate personal training certificate programme has on one’s career trajectory, cautiously evaluating available options is critical for successful progression within your industry. Two renowned certification programmes include the International Sports Sciences Asso...
Melody has worked in both the private and public health sectors, helping both individuals and communities achieve milestones in managing their weight and preventing disease. She currently holds a Certificate in Adult Weight Management and a Master of Science in Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Science ...