Nasdaq and AWS are celebrating the 1-year anniversary of a multi-year partnership to build the next-generation of cloud-enabled infrastructure for the world’s capital markets. The partnership will enable the migration of Nasdaq’s North American markets
Nasdaq’s technology is used to power mission-critical operations at over 2,300 financial institutions and 130+ marketplaces globally. Trading solutions built for global markets, to compete at a global scale Comprehensive asset class support
简介:NASDAQ综合指数(Nasdaq Composite Index)是以在NASDAQ市场上市的、所有本国和外国的上市公司的普通股为基础计算的。该指数是 反映了纳斯达克证券市场行情变化的股票价格平均指数,基本指数为100,也被称为各工业门类的市场价值变化的晴雨表。目前,纳斯达克综合指数包括了5000多家公司,超过其他任何单一证券市场。因为拥有...
除了股票交易,纳斯达克还提供其他交易工具,如股票期权、期货、债券和基金等。纳斯达克也开设了全球第一家全电子化股票交易所纳斯达克欧洲(Nasdaq Europe),并在全球范围内设立了多个分支机构和代表处,为投资者提供更多的交易选择。很多公司把在纳斯达克敲钟这一行为看作荣耀的光荣时刻。要在纳斯达克上市有3个条件: 标...
Nasdaq’s market surveillance capabilities provide digital assets participants, marketplaces and regulators with a trusted, resilient foundation to instill confidence and prioritize protection of participants and investors, and your reputation and integrity. ...
Nasdaq’s Investment Intelligence unit is focused on enabling economic growth through access to capital and transparency. We provide clients with the insights they need to make informed decisions in an increasingly complex and fast-moving environment. ...
纳斯达克平台是骗子平台的集大成者,不仅包含了黑平台主流的各种骗法,还能自创很多典型的诈骗说辞。骗感情、入金黑平台、没资金的话怂恿你各种网贷,本已负债的“妹妹”也不放过。不给出金后面还有六步+,汇差金、验证金、两地的税金、补充评分金 那个口口声声喊着叫你“老婆”的男人,即便已经被识破也不容质疑:...
Nasdaq is an online global marketplace for buying and trading securities—the world's first electronic exchange. It operates 29 markets, one clearinghouse, and five central securities depositories in the United States and Europe. Most of the world's technology giants are listed on the Nasdaq. ...
那斯达克(NASDAQ):美国的电子证券交易市场 那斯达克(NASDAQ)是美国的一家电子证券交易市场,全称为“...