美国航空航天局(NASA)的旅行者1号(Voyager 1)和旅行者2号空间探测器在执行研究木星和土星的任务时轨道示意图。(Space Frontiers/Archive Photos/Getty Images)旅行者1号(Voyager 1)探测器在发射45年后仍在探索星际空间,但它出现了一个问题,让地球上的航天器团队颇为困惑。旅行者1号年事已高,且距离地球远达145...
NASA朱诺号木星探测器近距离观测木卫三 从左至右分别是木卫三的马赛克图像和地质图,这两幅图是结合美国国家航空航天局(NASA)旅行者1号和2号(Voyager 1 and 2)探测器以及NASA伽利略号(Galileo)木星探测器提供的最佳图像制作而成。来源:美国地质调查局(USGS)天体地质科学中心/惠顿(Wheaton)/NASA/喷气推进实验...
Voyager 1 was launched from Earth in 1977 into deep space. It toured the outer planets, sending back clear images of Jupiter and Saturn. 旅行者一号于1977年发射升空。它环游外太空,发回了木星和土星的清晰图像。 Traveling about 24 billion kil...
The Voyager probes are technically unmanned; in another sense, however, they carry all of humanity with them as they speed through space. Each craft bears an object that is, in every way, a record -- of Earth, of humanity, of humanity's drive to reach and strive and dream and connect....
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The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced that its New Horizons spacecraft has recently taken the farthest ever images from Earth, breaking a previous record set by Voyager 1's
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 continue to provide science data back to Earth while continuing on their outward journeys into interstellar space. 【参考译文】几十年来,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)在太阳系探索方面一直发挥着重要作用。目前进行的任务针对太阳系内五个以上的天体设定了科学目标,包括月球(月球勘测轨道...
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NASA’s Voyager 1 in “Cosmic Purgatory” Hubble Reaches New Milestone: 10,000th Scientific Paper Published NASA Confiscates Stolen Rocket Engine The Mars Rover Curiosity Planetary Protection Snafu NASA Curiosity Heads to Mars Leave A Reply Save my name, email, and website in this...
NASA’s Voyager 1 acquired this image of a volcanic explosion on Io on March 4, 1979, about 11 hours before the spacecraft’s closest approach to the moon of Jupiter. Credit: NASA/JPL Jupiter’s Moon Io Io is one of Jupiter’s largest moons and the fourth-largest moon in o...