Earth observations(From space)Earth orbitsRemote sensingTrmm satelliteImageryLandsat 7Sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensorTopographyTropical stormsTerrainThis presentation focuses on the latest spectacular images from NASA's remote sensing missions like TRMM, SeaWiFS, Landsat 7, Terra, and Aqua which ...
Space weather continues to create vibrant displays of Northern Lights, which are even more astonishing 250 miles above the planet where astronauts work and live.
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NASA's Jasmin Moghbeli recently saw Iran from the International Space Station. Her parents fled the country in 1979 and she has been unable to visit it during her lifetime.
Nasa-A Journey Through Space_美国宇航局-太空穿梭_Ep5_H264_1080p24_EN20(下)。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
Nasa-A Journey Through Space_美国宇航局-太空穿梭_Ep1_H264_1080p24_EN20_1(下)。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
NASA’s Mars Odyssey orbiter captured the first-ever views of Mars that showcase the curving horizon and layers of atmosphere, similar to what an astronaut sees of Earth from the International Space Station. While there are no astronauts yet at Mars, this view gives us a sense of what the...
Scientists used both the James Webb Space Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope to capture MACS0416, and observe how its girth impacts our view of the cosmos. "MACS0416 is a natural magnifying glass," the space agency wrote online. "Its gravity is so strong that it warps time and space ...
From space life support systems to a compact scroll compressor onboard the Perseverance rover for in-situ resource utilization, Air Squared has helped NASA leverage oil-free scroll technology to support even the most demanding applications.