JUICE to Perform First-Ever Flyby of Earth-Moon on Path to Jupiter 2031 Jupiter has long piqued the interest of humans, visible with the naked eye from time immemorial.95 moonsare now recognized, 12 discovered by Scott Sheppard and team in 2021-22, 4 seen and named by Galileo in 1610. ...
Europa is a little smaller than Earth’s moon but is still one of the largest moons in our solar system. 木卫二比地球的月球略小,但仍然是太阳系中最大的卫星之一。 It is one of many moons orbiting Jupiter. 它是围绕木星运行的众多卫星之一。 Astronomers announced in 2023 they had discovered 12...
Named after the god of fear and panic in Greek mythology by astronomer Asaph Hall in 1877, Phobos is about 157 times smaller in diameter than Earth’s moon, and is only about 17 miles (27 kilometers) at its widest point, compared to the 2,159.2 miles (3,475 kilometers) of Earth’s...
This illustration provides a comparison for how big the moons of Mars appear to be, as seen from the surface of Mars, in relation to the size that Earth's moon appears to be when seen from the surface of Earth. Deimos, at far left, and Phobos, beside it, are shown together as they...
Earth Information Center For more than 50 years, NASA satellites have provided data on Earth's land, water, air, temperature, and climate. NASA's Earth Information Center allows visitors to see how our planet is changing in six key areas: sea level rise and coastal impacts, health and air...
Curiosity captured the eclipses by its Mast Camera (Mastcam), and sent some spectacular imagery back to the earth. Phobos, which is about 11.5 kilometers across, was imaged on March 26, 2019. Deimos, which is about 2.3 kilometers across, was photographed on March 17, 2019. ...
Take NASA astronaut Kate Rubins. True, she knows what it’s like to hurtle toward space inside a tiny capsule and live in microgravity conditions aboard an orbital outpost 250 miles above Earth. She also knows what it’s like to dress up in a mock astronaut suit and push a tool cart fu...
That star, known as Earendel, wasdiscovered last yearby theHubble Space Telescope. It has taken 12.9 billion years for Earendel's light to reach Earth, meaning the star was shining less than a billion years after the Big Bang spurred our universe into existence. However, Earendel doesn't ...
To see a satellite image of the field of space debris that floats around the earth is like looking at fleas swarming an unfortunate dog. About a half-million pieces of debris are the size of a marble, but even tiny pieces that travel more than 17,000 miles per hour could be deadly to...
Keen photographers will be pleased that the astronaut is also sharing the camera settings that he used for each of the shots. A recent one is a real beauty and shows the moon above Earth just before sunrise. 1/ A sliver of a moon rises out of noctilucent clouds and appears t...