SpaceX完成了星际第五次发射的推进剂负荷测试和飞行前检查,马斯克表示星舰第五飞已经准备就绪。SpaceX还没有发布具体发射时间,估计很多人又要前往星舰基地了 2.5万 19 20:01 App 埃隆·马斯克的新型反重力飞机吓坏了科学家们! 1.7万 20 3:11 App 发明SpaceX龙飞船的人真是个天才 711 -- 3:00 App SpaceX...
星舰Starship 迷雾中穿梭 B15 抵达发射台星舰第八次发射 #太空探索#SpaceX#B15#星舰第八次发射#NASA - 太空探索Z于20250208发布在抖音,已经收获了54.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
NASA的日历可能透露了SpaceX Starship的首飞日期 SpaceX公司备受期待的"Starship"轨道飞行测试刚刚得到了NASA日历上的暂定发射日期。该公司今年已经加快了进行全面测试的步伐,1月份看到它将推进剂填满飞行器,作为湿式彩排的一部分。在此之后,本周早些时候,SpaceX终于尝试启动230英尺高的超级重型助推器上的所有33个引擎。
SpaceX launched four astronauts to the International Space Station for NASA on April 27, less than two days after completing a flight chartered by millionaires. It's the first NASA crew comprised equally of men and women, including the first Black woman making a long-term spaceflight, Jessica ...
Starship Explosion Blew Open the Ionosphere This Laser Could Unlock Interstellar Travel The World’s Biggest Rocket Just Got Closer to Mars New Warp Drive Concept Is More Fact Than Fiction NASA's Ion Thruster Could Spawn a Space Revolution ...
▲宇航员进行星舰载人登月模拟演习(图源:SpaceX) 参考文献 [1] Watch SpaceX launch 4th test flight of Starship megarocket today[EB/OL]. [2024-6-6]. [2] Live coverage: SpaceX to launch its Starship rocket on its fourth tes...
马斯克火箭研发 Sia Unstoppable背景音乐 #太空探索#马斯克#SpaceX#Starship#NASA - 太空探索Z于20240510发布在抖音,已经收获了42.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Illustration of SpaceX Starship human lander design that will carry the first NASA astronauts to the surface of the Moon under the Artemis program. Credit: SpaceX The docking system tests for Starship HLS were conducted at NASA’s Johnson Space Center over 10 days using a system that simulate...
NASA官方宣布了SpaceX 赢得HLS登月项目合约,祝贺火星统治者马斯克🎉 新的登月版Starship设计: ①中央深色部分应该有一半是太阳能电池板; ②可以看到升降电梯; ③仓内也有好几个很大的窗户设计; ④鼻尖部分应该是对接口,颜色不一样; $特斯拉(TSLA)$