之后在人类航天历史上,这一事件被铭记为“挑战者号航天飞机灾难”(Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster)。 网飞于9月16日上线的最新调查纪录片《挑战者号:最后的飞行》,就是对这一航天灾难始末的再次曝光,毕竟挑战者号与七名机组人员已经离开我们34年了。 △ 豆瓣9分的网飞纪录片 《挑战者号:最后的飞行》共4集,...
9分Netflix纪录片,重新揭开“NASA之殇” 美国东部时间1986年1月28日上午,佛罗里达州的天气特别冷,数百名观众来到位于东海岸梅里特岛的肯尼迪航天中心,等待见证期待已久的挑战者号航天飞机(Space Shuttle Challenger)发射。 这一发射计划已连续延期六次了。 这次太空任务代号为STS-51L,是历史上第25次航天飞机任务,也是...
9分Netflix纪录片,重新揭开“NASA之殇” 美国东部时间1986年1月28日上午,佛罗里达州的天气特别冷,数百名观众来到位于东海岸梅里特岛的肯尼迪航天中心,等待见证期待已久的挑战者号航天飞机(Space Shuttle Challenger)发射。 这一发射计划已连续延期六次了。 这次太空任务代号为STS-51L,是历史上第25次航天飞机任务,也是...
The space shuttle Challenger — during its 10th launch – on Jan. 28, 1986, exploded 73 seconds after liftoff, killing all seven crewmembers and changingNASA'sspace program forever. Challenger was the secondshuttleto reach space, in April 1983. It successfully completed nine milestone missions du...
之后在人类航天历史上,这一事件被铭记为“挑战者号航天飞机灾难”(Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster)。 网飞于9月16日上线的最新调查纪录片《挑战者号:最后的飞行》,就是对这一航天灾难始末的再次曝光,毕竟挑战者号与七名机组人员已经离开我们34年了。
Many of us remember exactly where they were when the first Space Shuttle disaster occurred, much the same as with other terrible events in recent American history like 9/11 and the assassination of JFK. Here's my version: I was in seventh grade in Catholic elementary school in ...
28, 1986, the space shuttle Challenger — scheduled for a routine launch from Cape Canaveral in Florida — exploded after just 73 seconds in flight, killing all seven Americans on board.The disaster shocked the nation — and led to an immediate pause in the space shuttle ...
1.D 测题 中 in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in January 1986可知,参与太空教 学计划的航天员Christa McAuliffe在“挑战者号”事故 中牺牲了。 由此推断,这个计划被迫取消了。 因此猜 测 cancel意为“取消”。 2.C 细节 解题。 由第二段中Barbara Morgan completed the world's first space-based...
— -- Ever since theChallenger disasterin 1986, NASA has said that its space shuttles were magnificent machines, but conceded they were complicated and risky to fly. The shuttleAtlantis, which made a magnificentlast launchtoday, proved the point again. ...
When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986, millions of Americans became bound together in a single, historic moment. Many still vividly remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard about the tragedy. In Diane Vaughan recreates the steps leading ...