NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of a solar flare — seen as the bright flash on the right — on Aug. 5, 2024. The image shows a subset of extreme ultraviolet light that highlights the extremely hot material in flares and which is colorized in teal. Credit: NASA/SDO...
Aurora Forecast Next Full Moon Best Telescopes Space Calendar Best Binoculars Lego Star Wars deals Best Star Projectors Best Drones Solar System Planets The Universe Solar System The Sun Dramatic Sun Storm, Partial Solar Eclipse Spied by NASA Spacecraft (Video) News By Megan Gannon published Fe...
based on the number of sunspots, which has been higher than predicted, Solar Cycle 25 appears to be out-performing the forecast. Whether that trend continues or not, we'll just have to see.
The Sun emitted a mid-level solar flare on January 20, 2022, peaking at 1:01 a.m.EST. NASA’sSolar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the Sun constantly, captured an image of the event. Solar flares are powerful bursts of energy. Flares and solar eruptions can impact radio communications...
The most significant change with GOES-U is the addition of the compact chronograph to improvespace weatherforecasting. This chronograph will continuously monitor theSun's outer atmosphere, known as the corona, allowing NOAA forecasters to see where extreme space weather likesolar fla...
Image Credit: NASA/GSFC/Solar Dynamics Observatory Note:theoriginal press release from NASA Goddardcontained an error, identifying an image taken on 8/26/2017 as being on 8/10/2018. Dr. Leif Svalgaard spotted the error and left a comment, and I’ve edited the post ...
Carrying the four MMS satellites stacked one atop the other in a protective nose cone fairing, the Atlas 5 was scheduled for takeoff from pad 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station at 10:44 p.m. EDT (GMT-4). Forecasters predicted a 70 percent chance of acceptable weather. ...
If you are reading this article on theNextgov/FCWwebsite, then the good news is that the internet has not been destroyed by a powerful solar storm. But the bad news is that devastating space weather is still in the forecast for us and could be arriving any time over ...
The Parker Solar Probe's researchers expect the spacecraft, fitted with instruments to measure and image the solar wind (a constant stream of charged particles emanating from the corona), will enable us to better forecast when and where a potent CME or solar flare may hit. ...
"We are good to go for tanking, in terms of the weather," the broadcastsaidat 7:12 a.m. EDT (1112 GMT). For example, the weather officer says probability of precipitation is 20%, and lightning is 10%. This forecast is valid until about 2:40 p.m. EDT (1840 GMT), agency officia...