NASA just released 1,035 new images of Mars — here are some of the bestMeghan Bartels
Sid is located in this stretch of the Jezero Crater, an area that NASA has dubbed "Santa Cruz."Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Just another rocky day on the Red Planet for NASA. A new batch of photos from the space agency's Perseverance rover introduces us to "Sid," the latest Mars rock ...
NASA’s Ingenuity Helicopter captured some stunning photos of wreckage on Mars. The Ingenuity Helicopter was the first to fly on another planet. As a result, the helicopter managed to beam back some stunning images of the red planet. This week, the space agency said that the debris that allo...
The threegalaxies are in the process of formingas the JWST imaged them, feeding on surrounding hydrogen and helium to facilitate the creation of new stars and, thus, their growth. Though shapeless and disorganized, as we see them less than a billion years after the Big Bang, these galaxies ...
NASA Mars Landing Video: NASA releases footage of Mars 2020 Perseverance touching down on the Red Planet LOS ANGELES-NASA has unveiled the "first-of-its-kind" footage showing the moments the Perseverance rover touched down on Mars. The footage includes never-before-seen images and audio of ...
The new versions would have wheels and grappling arms. NASA officials said Perseverance's impressive performance at Mars prompted them to ditch their plan to launch a separate fetch rover. Jeff Gramling, director of NASA's Mars sample return program, said the revised path forward is s...
The Mars ReconnaissanceOrbiter(MRO) snapped images of the lander, its heat shield and its parachute on the planet's surface.NASA shared the viewson Thursday. The shots come from the MRO's HiRise camera, which has given us a bevy ofMars beauty photosover the years. ...
Ultimately, NASA wants to build a base on the moon for astronauts to live and work. Such a facility could also act as an operations center for the first crewed mission to Mars, which could launch from the lunar surface if scientists are able to effectively mine the moon’s water ice for...
NASA on Thursday hopes to see the completion of a 300-million-mile voyage from Earth to Mars with the landing of a rover that will search for signs of ancient life on the red planet. READ: NASA’s Mars Rover Launch Appears Successful The rover, named Perseve...
The Mars 2020 mission, including the Perseverance rover and the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, launched to space on July 30, 2020 and is scheduled to land inside Mars' Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021. See the different components of the rover, the evolution o