智东西6月24日消息,据外媒ZDNet报道,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)和美国能源部(DOE)在当地时间6月21日宣布,其正在共同推进太空核技术,并且已经为其规划的核裂变地表能源项目(The Fission Surface Power project)选中了三个设计概念提案。该项目计划在月球建设一个40千瓦级的核裂变电力系统。根据NASA的说法,这个...
NASA POWER projectAgroclimatologyDroughts can cause devastating impacts on water and land resources and therefore monitoring these events forms an integral part of planning. The most common approach for detecting drought events and assessing their intensity is use of the Standardized Precipitation Index (...
NASA's POWER project, or the Prediction of the Worldwide Energy Resources project, synthesizes and analyzes data on a global scale. The products of the project find valuable applications in the solar and wind energy sectors of the renewable energy industries. The primary source data for the POW...
2013年3月7日,NASA在官方网站向外界发布第四代天基中继体系结构意见征询书和白皮书,希望企业和院校集思广益,共同研究下一代天基中继通信体系结构,但最终没有结果,却在2021年提出了通信服务项目(Communication Services Project,CSP)计划,其核心思想是利用商业通信卫星为低轨卫星、火箭和航天器提供海量、按需、可靠...
美国最后一次进行核热火箭发动机试验是在50多年前NASA的火箭飞行器用核发动机(Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application,NERVA)和漫游者计划(Project Rover)下进行的。除DRACO计划外,NASA还与美国能源部和工业界合作开展了其他空间核技术计划,包括裂变表面发电(Fission Surface Power)和另外一项探索未来核热能...
Title NASA POWER API Client Version4.1.0 URL https://docs.ropensci.org/nasapower/ BugReports https://github.com/ropensci/nasapower/issues Description An API client for NASA POWER global meteorology,surface solar energy and climatology data API.POWER(Prediction Of Worldwide Energy Resources)data...
N NationalAeronautics A S SpaceAdministration A BriefintroductionPastmissions Futuremissionsheros SummaryandConclusions Brief introduction NationalAeronauticsand NASA Name SpaceAdministration FoundingtimeLocation Oct1,1958 Washington,D.C logo ← Mercury (水星)Gemini(双子 星)Apollo (阿波罗)project ...
2011年,著名的OPERA(Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus)实验开启,意大利的研究员们声称在该实验中发现了一种超光速的中微子,在当时轰动了学术界,但经过后来多次实验和论证,2012年4月2日,中微子超光速异常实验结果已确定有误,该实验团队的两位领导者也引咎辞职。虽然实验失败,但是这也催化了诸多研究者...
4. Project Longshot In 1987, researchers from NASA and the US Navy concocted Project Longshot: an interstellar probe that would travel to alpha Centauri B, one of the closest star to our Sun. The craft would have had a nuclear fission reactor on board to power its engine, and would have...
Solar astronomer at NASA Goddard Performance Given the previous struggles to move 12TB chunks of data, the team knew that performance was key for any statistical analysis.. It took weeks to download data, and because it was stored externally, the compute power could not leverage parallelism ...