A portion of the far side of the moon looms large just beyond the Orion spacecraft in this image taken on the sixth day of the Artemis I mission by a camera on the tip of one of Orion's solar arrays. The spacecraft entered the lunar sphere of influence on Nov. 20, 2022, making ...
直到1996年,NASA与德国航空航天中心(DLR)终于签署了建造和运营SOFIA的谅解备忘录,NASA从USRA接手波音747SP,而德方负责提供直径106英寸(2.7米)迄今为止最大的机载望远镜,同时能获得每年三十次的飞行机会。 SOFIA垂尾上除了NASA的标志外还有醒目的德国DLR标志,那台2.7米直径的望远镜是德国制造 图源:NASA SOFIA的诞生之路...
A portion of the far side of the moon looms large just beyond the Orion spacecraft in this image taken on the sixth day of the Artemis I mission by a camera on the tip of one of Orion's solar arrays. The spacecraft entered the lunar sphere of influence on Nov. 20, 2022, making ...
美国宇航局(NASA)公布了8400张有关“阿波罗”计划及宇航员登月的历史照片。照片据信是使用Hasselblad相机拍摄,解析度达到1800dpi,人类首次踏上月球表面的脚印清晰可见。让我们一睹月球真容。 本次的目的地--Moon 月球的表面 表面的陨石坑。 飞向宇宙 太空中的地球,格外美丽。 漫漫的旅程,伴随着太空的失重状态给宇航...
Pictures of the Universe Spectacular NASA images of interesting scenes in the universe. A collection of images representing some of the most impressive views in our universe. Included are the Orion Nebula, a dying star, spiral galaxy, birth of a star, the Eagle Nebula, extrasolar planet, a ...
And if anybody doesn't believe me I have the pictures toprove it.I know, I was cute…what happened to me?! The space centre is awesome, it has it's own museum complete with life sized rockets andspace suitsfor you to try on. ...
the last satellites finally become disused, GPS, cell phones, and the Internet will no longer function. ③So we have to find a way to deal with this space garbage, and Daan pictures a sort of trash pickup, which involves groups of small spacecraft casting large nets into orbit that ...
Perseverance will capture images of its surroundings and send them back, unfold its “head” and take more pictures while going through some health checkups with engineers. Teams on Earth will go through a month of inspections, software downloads and preparations for roving. ...