The first sensor, a camera known as the Operational Land Imager 2 (OLI-2), will take pictures of the earth. The second, the Thermal Infrared Sensor 2 (TIRS-2), will measure the heat from the earth’s surface. (陆地卫星9号有两个传感器,可以测量地球表面出现的11种波长的光。第一个传感器...
11.29.2024 22:07 PM NASA's Curiosity rover is exploring Mars's mysterious "spiderweb" formations, providing new insights into the planet's ancient watery past and potential signs of life.Sombrero Galaxy's Secrets Unveiled in Sharp New Image from James Webb Telescope 11.28.2024 21:23 PM Discove...
New Pictures of Missouri Taken By Astronauts New Pictures of Missouri Taken By Astronauts This was taken June 23, 2021. Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri is pictured from the International Space Station as it orbited 261 miles above the Midwestern United States. New Pictures of Missouri ...
is a scientific oddball. The color in the "tilted S" pair indicates that the observed stars are young to intermediate in age, around 2 million to 2 billion years old, much less than the age of the universe (13.7 billion years). Scientists wonder why Arp 82 didn't form many stars earli...
“两个世界,一个起源” | NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS/U of Copenhagen 不过,这也不是NASA第一次通过火星车的相机定标板向火星带去“宣言”了: 勇气号和机遇号的PanCam定标板上写的是“Two Worlds, One Sun”(两个世界,同一个太阳)。 好奇号MastCam标定板上写的是“To Mars To Explore”(去火星,去探...
A“starshade” flying alongside the WFIRST observatory could deliver images of potentially habitable worlds decades ahead of schedule
The surface of Venus is shrouded in layers of cloud, but on a recent flyby, NASA's Parker Solar Probe actually spotted the surface glowing through those clouds. In 1975, the Soviet Venera 9 and 10 probes returned our first-ever pictures of the surface of Venus...
The Orion spacecraft sent back some amazing pictures from its 25-day, 1.4-million-mile journey around the moon.
[184] The NASA Authorization Act of 2014 reaffirmed the importance of ASAP. 【参考译文】针对1967年导致三名宇航员丧生的阿波罗1号事故,国会指示美国国家航空航天局(NASA)成立航空航天安全顾问小组(ASAP),就NASA航空和太空项目中的安全问题和隐患向NASA局长提供咨询。在航天飞机哥伦比亚号灾难发生后,国会要求ASAP...
The new moon map took more than 50 years to make. It started with six original maps collected by cameras attached to orbiting satellites. One camera took wide-angle pictures of the moon. The other made topographical pictures by shooting laser at the moon's surface. Then all those pictures ...