NASA于6月4日在“今日天文学照片”(Astronomy Picture of the Day,APOD)栏目所分享的影片中,一群人站在西班牙的火山泰德峰(Mount Teide)上欣赏日出,而偌大的月球在背后缓缓移动,简直比整座山还大,而且连表面的坑洞都很清楚,这完全颠覆了人们对月球大小的印象。 事实上,人们平时看月亮比山还小,那是因为月球的...
为什么Chasiotis拍到的这组照片中,太阳会“半浸”在水平线上呢?NASA将这组照片评选为“Astronomy Picture of the Day”,并解释了其中的原因。 NASA表示,太阳看起来被分割了,是因为月亮挡住了太阳的上方和下方,只露出这两部分。再加上大气中的逆温层像巨型镜片一样会制造第二个影像,连起来就变成了照片中的模样。
The text has several hyperlinks to more pictures and websites for more information. The images are either visible spectrum photographs, images taken at non-visible wavelengths and displayed in false color, video footage, animations, artist's conceptions, or micrographs that relate to space or ...
尼尔·阿姆斯特朗没有在月球上的照片 There Are No Pictures of Neil Armstrong on the Moon 12:16 玉兔二号月球车还在工作!它不断从月球背面发送数据 04:24 7 分钟前:参宿四灾难性爆炸终于发生 7 MINUTES AGO Betelgeuse Catastrophic Explosion Is Finally Ha 03:00:34 阿波罗14号 - 美国月球上的旗帜 ...
NASA/ˈnæsə/[National Aeronautics and Space Administration]米国航空宇宙局 Pictures of the day What are these? Click on the pictures to check.
At nearly the same time, many humans on Earth were snapping their own pictures of Saturn. Note: Today's APOD has been updated.", "hdurl": "", "media_type": "image", "service_version": "v1", "title": "Earth and...
It turns out the astronauts and scientists of NASA love Upstate’s fall foliage, too. So much so that the Adirondacks made NASA’s Earth Observatory “Image of the Day” in pictures that will take fall-lovers’ breath away.In Space, Nobody Can Hear You Say "Dang, That's Pretty."...
(4)根据原文These days,doctors can take clear pictures of the inside of patients' body to see how an illness is developing(现在,医生可以对病人的身体内部进行清晰的拍照,以了解疾病是如何发展的。)可知"太空技术可以使医生更清楚地检查病人"正确。故选T。(5)根据原文NASA(美国国家航天局)itself was ...
people going around NASA taking pictures of people’s offices? Are they looking for forbidden pride stuff? Alien technology? What? NASA Watch February 11, 2025 Personnel News Here Comes Schedule F – Version 2.0 Keith’s note: According to Politico: “The Office of Personnel Management has...
NASA(APOD)每日一天文图(Astronomy Picture of the Day)网站由美国宇航局(NASA)和密歇根科技大学(MTU)维护运营,从1995年6月16日起的第一张开始,每天分享发布一张天文图片,并由专业天文学家写上一份厄要说明是APOD的特色,官网为英文。 ▲点击进入欣赏NASA每日天文图 为了方便大家欣赏宇宙天文美图,博科园在其博科园...