NASA picked the 100 greatest images of Saturn from its Cassini mission — here are some of the bestDave Mosher
△ 土卫六红外视图 土星的英文为“Saturn”,他是以希腊神话中的第二代神王名字命名的,Saturn是泰坦一族的首领,所以土星卫星的命名很多都和泰坦一族有关系,土星六可能是因为第一个被发现的土星卫星,因此直接以“泰坦”命名。 很多人可能看到“泰坦星”会联想到漫威宇宙中灭霸的母星,估计漫威系列漫画的创作者有在参考...
Passing behind Saturn last Friday, NASA's Cassini spacecraft snapped a series of pictures showing the planet and its rings, including planet Earth as a "pale blue dot" 898 million miles away. A mosaic of all the images will be released in six weeks or so showing Earth, Saturn and its c...
Saturn 1 Launch 土星1 号火箭团队里有许多德国工程师,他们大都在阿拉巴马州的火星太空飞行中信。他们观看了火星 1 号发射的全过程。照片中手指前方的时库尔特·德巴斯(Kurt Debus),他的左侧是沃纳·冯·布莱恩(Wernher von Braun),右侧探头的则是爱伯哈德·里斯(Eberhard Rees)。 28 Apollo 13 液氧箱爆炸,阿波罗... 这是2023年6月25日使用詹姆斯·韦布望远镜的近红外相机拍摄的土星的样子。与哈勃望远镜拍摄到的照片不同,昏暗的土星本体与明亮光环之间的反差令人印象深刻。 【使用詹姆斯·韦布望远镜的近红外相机于2023年6月所拍摄的土星(Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, ...
△ “从土星望地球”(A View of Earth from Saturn)。图源:NASA △ 当地时间2011年9月17日,“天地之火”(Fire in the Sky and on the Ground)。图源:NASA △ 当地时间2019年11月13日,“沙丘尽头”(Where the Dunes End)。图源:NASA △ 当地时间2012年...
Radio signals flying across the solar system from Cassini have delivered a new package of images. The pictures show Saturn’s largest, most colorful ornament, Titan, and other icy baubles in orbit around the planet. The release includes images of satellite conjunctions in which one moon passes ...
At nearly the same time, many humans on Earth were snapping their own pictures of Saturn. Note: Today's APOD has been updated.", "hdurl": "", "media_type": "image", "service_version": "v1", "title": "Earth and...
Rings of Saturn Jupiter with Io & Europa Great Red Spot For the first time in the history of mankind, color photographs from outer space are available!Woodstock Products proudly offers the highest quality reproductions available anywhere on Earth. These Astro-Photographs of NASA's most beautiful sc...
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