The reddish-pink dots are baby stars deeply embedded in the cosmic cloud of gas and dust that collapsed to create the stars. Dusty disks of cosmic debris that may eventually form planets surround the infant stars. NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope took this image. Image and caption by NASA. Ch...
SPECULOOS团队(该团队项目是以一种比利时零食命名的“肉桂焦糖饼干”,目的是寻找可居住的行星EClipsing ULtra-cOOl Stars 。其全称为Search for habitable Planets EClipsing Ultra-cOOl Stars)在阿塔卡马沙漠安装了四个机器人望远镜,并在北半球同样安装了一个。 我们的地外发现和探索网络——伊甸园计划——使用了亚利桑那...
[4] Goudge, T. A., Mustard, J. F., Head, J. W., Fassett, C. I., & Wiseman, S. M. (2015). Assessing the mineralogy of the watershed and fan deposits of the Jezero crater paleolake system, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 120(4), 775-808. 来源:行星事务所...
It turns out the astronauts and scientists of NASA love Upstate’s fall foliage, too. So much so that the Adirondacks made NASA’s Earth Observatory “Image of the Day” in pictures that will take fall-lovers’ breath away. In Space, Nobody Can Hear You Say "Dang, That's Pretty." ...
Last year a NASA study (pdf) found that a functional starshade could be built and flown as an independent mission to rendezvous with WFIRST for an estimated half billion to a billion dollars. Working in tandem, the starshade and the telescope could snap pictures of perhaps 40 planet...
8 Planets['plnts] 八大行星 Venus ['vins] 金星 例: They say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. 有人说:男人是来自火星、女人是来自金星。 Jupiter ['dpt] 木星 例: There is no air or water on Jupiter. 在木星上没有空气或水。
在新发表于《JGR Planets》杂志上的研究中,科学家们写道:“在火星上,这样的过程可以在浅层多年冻土区域自然发生,足够的盐可能在顶层积累形成一个密封层。” 与此同时,含盐蒸汽冒出的同时,甲烷也冒出。 它的来源仍然是一个谜。 它可能来自某种生物,或者可能来自火星表面下的地质过程,对人类科学家来说仍然是看不...
Launched in 2003, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope captured magnificent images and triggered an impressive list of discoveries, while also helping astronomers study many comets, stars, asteroids, planets. This image shows young stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), one of the closest galaxies ...
The set includes posters of the sun, planets of the solar system, and many more. It is available for the public to download in multiple formats, and visitors can also submit suggestions about a new poster. Source: NASA/Moore Boeck For original pictures: O网页链接 ...