The photo was taken on February 6, NASA says, and is the first time that the sun rays, also known as crepuscular rays, have been viewed so clearly. The Curiosity Rover shared the image to itsTwitter pageand it was taken as part of the rover’s twilight cloud survey. The image was...
Possibly the most visually interesting of all are the magnetically tangled active regions containing cool sunspots. As our Sun's magnetic field winds toward Solar Maximum over the next few years, increased activity will likely create times when the Sun's face is even more complex. > 我来回应...
LOS ANGELES, May 1 (Xinhua) -- NASA's InSight lander has captured a series of images of sunrise and sunset on Mars recently, according to a release of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California on Wednesday. A camera on the spacecraft's robotic arm snapped the photos on A...
LOS ANGELES, May 1 (Xinhua) -- NASA's InSight lander has captured a series of images of sunrise and sunset on Mars recently, according to a release of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California on Wednesday. A camera on the spacecraft's robotic arm snapped the photos on A...
On Valentine's Day (ET) the Sun unleashed one of its most powerful explosions, an X-class flare. The blast was the largest so far in the new solar cycle. Erupting from active region AR1158 in the Sun's southern hemisphere, the flare is captured here in this extreme ultraviolet image fr...
See amazing views of the sun from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which snaps HD solar photos 24/7.
Photos: Weird and wonderful planets beyond our solar system 图片:太阳系外奇异而又美丽的行星 NASA's planet-hunting TESS mission has found its first Earth-size exoplanet in a star system only 53 light-years from Earth. Another exoplanet, a warm mini-Neptune, was found in the same system. 美...
The specialized, military-built camera that took these photos sits behind an eight-inch thick heat shield that protects both the camera and instruments from the brunt of the sun's heat. During this swoop into the sun's atmosphere, the Parker probe's heat shieldexperienced temperaturesreaching 82...
SEE ALSO:Israeli Tech Onboard NASA Solar Probe To Take First-Ever Photos Of The Sun The Parker Solar Probe came within 16.9 million miles from the sun’s surface when the first image was taken on November 8. NASA/Naval Research Laboratory/Parker Solar Probe ...
NASA's SDO is one in a fleet of sun-gazing satellites designed to keep a robotic eye on our closest star. The spacecraft is responsible for creating some of the highest resolution photos of solar flares, coronal holes and solar prominences emanating from the star. Miriam Kramer Miriam Kram...