At launch, the ESM weighs a total of just over 13 tons. In addition to serving as the main propulsion system for the Orion spacecraft, the ESM will enable orbital manoeuvring and attitude control. It will provide the crew with key life support elements such as water an...
Marking a significant milestone in the Artemis 2 space mission, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) unveiled its Orion spacecraft at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. The Artemis program aims to return humans to the Moon, with Artemis 2 being th...
The NASA Orion space capsule is seen atop a Delta IV rocket ready for a test launch at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Wednesday, December 3, 2014, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The test flight scheduled for Thursday morning, will reach an altitude of 3,600 miles before re-entering the ...
Northrop Grumman keeps astronauts safe with its launch abort system that will be part of the Artemis mission.
当天测试的火箭是从卡纳维拉尔角(Cape Canaveral)发射的第一枚火箭的一部分,这是一项名为“阿尔忒弥斯一号”的无人飞行任务,旨在将美国宇航局的猎户座宇宙飞船(Orion spacecraft)送入月球。目前还不清楚究竟是什么导致了测试的失败,以及测试结果会如何影响阿尔忒弥斯一号未来的时间表。布里登斯廷表示:“此事...
In 2022, Artemis I sent NASA's Orion spacecraft on a trip around the moon without a crew. 2022年,阿尔忒弥斯一号发射了NASA的猎户座飞船,在没有机组人员的情况下进行了一次绕月旅行。 The agency's huge Space Launch System (SLS) rocket car...
The agency’s powerful new rocket, the Space Launch System (SLS), and the Orionspacecraftare closer than ever to their first integrated launch. The spacecraft is complete while the core stage and its attached four engines are undergoing a final series of tests that will culminate in a critic...
NASA's final major test for its mega moon rocket and Orion spacecraft was called off due to a tech issue on Monday, the agency said on Tuesday. During the approximate two-day test, known as a wet dress rehearsal, the launch team ran through operations to load pro...
阿尔忒弥斯III任务不仅计划将人类送回月球,还包括了具有历史意义的里程碑,如将第一位女性和第一位有色人种宇航员送上月球。此外,SLS将为猎户座飞船(Orion Spacecraft)提供所需的动力,将宇航员和补给品送往月球。 SLS火箭和阿尔忒弥斯计划的成功对于NASA的深空探索至关重要,不仅因为它们将使得载人探索月球成为可能...
The agency's Space Launch System rocket will launch four astronauts aboard the Orion spacecraft for their multi-day journey to lunar orbit where they will transfer to SpaceX's Starship for the final leg of their journey to the surface of the Moon.[82] 【参考译文】2021年4月16日,美国国家...