links collection.links array of object Links to additional result sets href collection.links.href string URL of result set prompt collection.links.prompt string Direction of result set rel collection.links.rel string Link relation total_hits collection.metadata.total_hits integer Total search hit...
ArchiveSets: 5200, 5111 Collection: NPP and JPSS1 VIIRS data 2.0 (ArchiveSet 5200) PGE Number: NONE File Naming Convention: Syntax: ESDT.AYYYYDDD.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.Format Example: ESDT Earth Science Data Type or ShortnameA Stands for Ac...
organizes, provides for archiving, and disseminates concerned with subjects having substantial NASA’s S he NASA STI program provides access public interest. to the NASA Aeronautics and Space Database and its public interface, the NASA Technical Reports • TECHNICAL TRANSLATION. English- Server, ...
The Term Schema (Fig. 36) defines the structure of XML formatted term data sets which are to be harveste...Nelson M L,Rocker J,Harrison T L.OAI and NASA's Scientific and Technical Information[J].Library Hi-tech,2003,21(2):140-150....
VIIRS/SNPP Deep Blue Level 3 daily aerosol data, 1 degree x 1 degree grid 简介 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的可见红外成像辐射计套件(VIIRS)标准三级(L3)每日深蓝气溶胶产品来自Suomi国家极轨伙伴关系(SNPP)仪器,提供全球陆地和海洋上空气溶胶光学厚度(AOT)的卫星衍生测量值及其网格集合属性。深蓝算法借鉴了以前...
Perseverance rover finds tantalizing hints of possible ancient life on Mars NASA’s Mars Odyssey Orbiter just reached a major milestone NASA selects new date for Starliner’s crewed return NASA sets new target launch date for Starliner spacecraft...
Data Format:netCDF4 Spatial Resolution:1 degree Temporal Resolution:daily ArchiveSets:5200 Collection:...
Notice that these keywords at the top of this sorted data frame have correlation coefficients equal to 1; they always occur together. This means these are redundant keywords. It may not make sense to continue to use both of the keywords in these sets of pairs; instead, just one keyword cou...
Use the Earthdata Search to find and retrieve data sets across multiple data centers. / USE SERVICE API / OPENDAP DATA Access the data via the OPeNDAP protocol. ...