NASA Discovers a New Earth-like Planet: Could it Support Life?The American宇航局 (NASA) has made a groundbreaking announcement confirming the existence of the first Earth-like planet outside our solar system that may be capable of supporting life.According to scientists, the planet, ...
" said Lisa Kaltenegger, study author, associate professor of astronomy and director of Cornell's Carl Sagan Institute. "With a thick atmosphere, the planet GJ 357 d could maintain liquid water on its surface like Earth and we could pick out signs of ...
Nearly 550 of the newly validated planets could be rocky planets like Earth, based on their size. Researchers who published their findings in The Astrophysical Journal calculated the likelihood of a celestial body being a planet using an automated method focused on sub-groups within a list of ...
NASA Says New Data Shows Planet like Earth ; Known as Kepler 452b, It Orbits a Starlike Sun, 1,400 Light-Years AwayNASA astronomers announced the discovery of Kepler 452b, which is1,400 light-years away and...Overbye, Dennis
^New habitat
^New habitat
Traveling about 24 billion kilometers from Earth, Voyager 1 is the most distant spacecraft from our planet. It takes 22 and a half hours to send a signal to the probe. 旅行者一号距离地球约240亿公里,是距离地球最远的飞船...
Traveling about 24 billion kilometers from Earth, Voyager 1 is the most distant spacecraft from our planet. It takes 22 and a half hours to send a signal to the probe. 旅行者一号距离地球约240亿公里,是距离地球最远的飞船。...
like measuring earthquake waves that pass through it, or studying minerals thought to have formed there. 如测量穿透地核的地震波,或研究被认为是在地核内形成的矿物。 But what if the best way to study Earth's inner space is by visiting outer space?
After completing its first year of observations in the southern sky, NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite has spotted some intriguing new exoplanets only 31 light-years away from Earth. 美国宇航局的过境系外行星测量卫星(TESS)在完成对南半球天空的第一年观测后,发现了几颗距离地球仅31光年的有...