NASA is selling a brand-new Moon rover NASA HAS big plans for the Moon. By the end of the decade, it wants to send humans back to the lunar surface. Before then, though, it intends to send probes to…
美国国家航空航天局(NASA)近日宣布,将与Intuitive Machines、Lunar Outpost和Venturi Astrolab三家公司合作进行阿耳忒弥斯登月任务的月球车(Lunar Rover Vehicle,LRV)可行性研究。研究周期为一年,在为期一年的研究结束后,仅有一家公司将获得最终的演示任务。该任务将要求公司完成建造月球车并将其送至月球进行性能和安全测...
which will trek across the surface of the moon and hunt for water ice that couldone day be used to make rocket fuel. The rover will be armed with the best instruments and tools that NASA can come up with: wheels that can spin properly on lunar soil, a drill that’s able to dig in...
NASA Tests a New Lunar Rover PrototypeDan CarneyDesign News
2024 年 4 月 3 日,美国国家航空航天局约翰逊航天中心(NASA’s Johnson Space Center)宣布选择3 家商业航天企业参与阿耳忒弥斯计划(Artemis Program)月球地形车(Lunar Terrain Vehicle, LTV)研制。 阿耳忒弥斯月球车新闻简报会 值得注意的是,LTV...
Landing on the moon soon be much easier thanks to NASA's Lunar Retroreflector Array network being carried to the lunar surface on international and commercial landers.
NASA’s newest rover has made it to the surface of Mars. After a journey of nearly seven months, the Perseverance rover landed on the Red Planet on 18 February. The success of the landing was by no means a foregone conclusion – of all the missions to Mars’s surface, only ...
Lunar ElectricRover是“星座计划”的一部分,该计划将再次把宇航员送上月球。和70年的后期阿波罗计划一样,星座计划也是很硬核的。毕竟美国人在登月这一项上击败了俄国(前苏联)人,又在月球的土地上插上了星条旗,总该在月球上搞点有用的事情吧。 阿波罗计划的最后三艘飞船都携带了车辆以便宇航员在广袤的月表搜集离...
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