“登月到火星计划办公室(Moon to Mars Program Office)将帮助NASA准备执行我们的大胆任务,登陆火星,将人类首次送上火星,”NASA管理员比尔·尼尔森在3月30日的一份声明中说道。阿米特·克沙特里亚是NASA探索系统开发任务总局“登月到火星计划办公室”的副局长。Credit:NASA “探索的黄金时代正在发生,这个新的办公室...
NASA的朱诺号(Juno)木星探测器上的木星红外极光绘图仪(Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper , JIRAM)提供了木星的最大卫星:木卫三(盖尼米得,Ganymede)北极的首批红外测绘图像。NASA选定了四项“发现计划”(Discovery Program)调查,以开展新任务的概念研究,这些研究重点关注NASA正在进行中的任务或近期选择的任务重中...
NASA的朱诺号(Juno)木星探测器上的木星红外极光绘图仪(Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper , JIRAM)提供了木星的最大卫星:木卫三(盖尼米得,Ganymede)北极的首批红外测绘图像。NASA选定了四项“发现计划”(Discovery Program)调查,以开展新任务的概念研究,这些研究重点关注NASA正在进行中的任务或近期选择的任务重中...
NASAhas outlined its Moon toMarsStrategy and Objectives Development, focusing on a sustainable, long-term human presence in the solar system through an objectives-driven architectural review process under the Artemis program. As NASA evolves its blueprint for shaping exploration throughout the solar sy...
will include the first female and person of color to put boots onto the surface of the Moon. NASA has also stated that it is aiming to create a Moon base in the future that will serve as a jump off point for future missions to Mars. The ultimate goal is to progress toand even ...
NASA选择了四项“发现计划”(Discovery Program)研究项目,为新任务开发概念研究,重点是NASA现行任务或近期选择的任务没有覆盖的引人注目的目标和科学。 就在OSIRIS-Rex探测器与“本努”小行星接触两天后,图像证实飞船采集的材料足以满足其主要任务的需求。 今年,NASA行星防御协调办公室完成的几次近距离观测项目,包括近距...
Second, a design flaw has been uncovered during new testing in Orion's ability to open and shut valves connected to the life support system – described by Amit Kshatriya, deputy associate administrator for the Moon to Mars program – ...
It was then at Houston's Rice University that President John F Kennedy delivered his rallying cry for Americans to back NASA's goal of reaching the moon which in turn launched the country's Space Program to new heights...
He maintained that the United States needed to get to the moon and fast, casting the program as a Cold War-like space race, only this time against China instead of the Soviet Union. Having landed a rover on Mars and a robotic spacecraft on the far side of the moon, China has big ...
Artemis 2 is the second scheduled flight of the Artemis program and the first crewed Artemis mission that will send four astronauts around the moon.