NASA aims to make it possible for astronauts to live and work on the moon by 2030 with the help of its Artemis missions, a NASA official said on Sunday. The first mission, Artemis I, began on Wednesday after NASA launched its Orion spacecraft from Cape Canaveral in Florida following a se...
Artemis 1 is an uncrewed test flight to the Moon and back. It leads the way as the first crew-ready spacecraft to visit the Moon since the Apollo 17 mission back in December of 1972. The Orion capsule does not have any human passengers on this flight. However, it is a...
Last week, after months of delays, NASA finally launched Artemis 1 to the Moon. It’s a preliminary mission in the leadup to NASA’s exploration of the Moon and Mars, with hopes to establish a human presence on both. Now, a NASA scientis...
Mike Sarafin,NASA总部Artemis任务经理; Jeremy Parsons,NASA肯尼迪航天中心探索地面系统项目副经理; John Blevins,NASA马歇尔太空飞行中心太空发射系统项目总工程师。 媒体电话会议的音频将在NASA的网站上直播: Artemis I是一次无机组人员的飞行测试。它是NASA将展开的一系列日益复杂的任务中的...
一分钟后,阿尔忒弥斯(Artemis)计划被宣布暂时取消。△图源《纽约时报》;SLS发射宣布推迟后,数千名前来围观的太空迷失望离开 临阵拉胯的引擎 据《华盛顿邮报》消息,由于发射当地(佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心)附近有雷暴,加油工作已经晚了近一个小时。好不容易等到胜利在望之际,本次任务的主角之一,SLS(Space ...
一分钟后,阿尔忒弥斯(Artemis)计划被宣布暂时取消。 △图源《纽约时报》;SLS发射宣布推迟后,数千名前来围观的太空迷失望离开 临阵拉胯的引擎 据《华盛顿邮报》消息,由于发射当地(佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心)附近有雷暴,加油工作已经晚了近一个小时。 好不容易等到胜利在望之际,本次任务的主角之一,SLS(Space Launch...
The Artemis 1 rocket blasts off from Kennedy Space Center. (Image credit: NASA) After months of delay, the most powerful space rocket ever built has blasted off from its Florida launchpad, embarking on the first of two test journeys preceding the mission that will return humans to the moon...
IT之家 4 月 4 日消息,NASA 今日宣布,由于加压问题阻止技术人员将推进剂安全装入火箭,已暂停登月项目 SLS 火箭的最后一次重大测试。 NASA 在 Artemis I live 博客上的一篇文章中宣布,这项被称为“a wet dress rehearsal(湿装彩排)”的测试最早被推迟到当地时间 4 月 4 日星期一。
IT之家 4 月 4 日消息,NASA 今日宣布,由于加压问题阻止技术人员将推进剂安全装入火箭,已暂停登月项目 SLS 火箭的最后一次重大测试。NASA 在 Artemis I live 博客上的一篇文章中宣布,这项被称为“a wet dress rehearsal(湿装彩排)”的测试最早被推迟到当地时间 4 月 4 日星期一。NASA 解释称:“由于失去...
February 25, 2022 at 1:42 AM NASA Artemis 1 mission update today Update for 1:30 pm ET:NASA is now targeting 2:30 p.m. EST (1930 GMT) for its press teleconference today on the Artemis 1 moon mission update. NASA will hold a live teleconference todayto discuss its plans to launch ...