登月小艇(Lunar Module,LM),又称作月球旅行舱(Lunar Excursion Module,LEM),是真正登月时使用的部分。为了尽可能减轻重量,登月小艇没有隔热板,动力很小,只能在月球表面飞行。登月小艇能够搭载两名太空 人,包括一个降落部分和一个起飞部分。前者在登月任务完成时使用后者作为发射平台,进入月球轨道后与指令/服务舱对接,...
wasn’t feasible to bring down enough consumables for a lengthy stay. Even if they could have carried sufficient food and water to last more than a few days, the limiting factor would have become how long the crew could realistically remain cooped up in the tiny Lunar Excursion Module (LEM...
Reference (LEM) was intended to educate members of the media, government, and private sector contractors about one of history's most ambitious undertakings. Within its pages you'll find general information about the Apollo Program, and a detailed examination of the Lunar Excursion Module and crew...
LEM Lunar Excursion Module (LEM), later Lunar Module (LM) from the NASA Apollo program LEO Low Earth Orbit, for FLARE defined as a 28.5° inclination, 400 km circular Earth orbit LES Orion Launch and Entry Suit LLO Low Lunar Orbit, for FLARE a 100 km circular orbit above the lunar surf...
Even the far simperMars 5Mmission had to be scrapped. The incredible mass of the lander, comparable to NASA’s manned Apollo Lunar Module, was due to the fact that it would contain not only the two-stage rocket necessary to lift the collected soil samples from the Martian surface, but als...
Yet Langley continued to explore the LOR concept, modifying it to use an enclosed and pressurizedLunar Excursion Moduleor LEM which could dock with the 3-man Apollo spacecraft, allowing two astronauts to transfer between the two vehicles without having to perform a spacewalk. But once again NASA...
WhenNASAasked for proposals for the Lunar Module (the space ship that actuallylandedNeilArmstrongonthe moon)inthe early 1960's, Grumman wanted the contract but saw a trap in the reliability specifications. shainin.com shainin.com 早在1960年当美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)对登月舱要求的方案时 (...
Layers of gold foil blankets around the base of the lunar module were to provide thermal insulation. Myers made contact with a technician working on the module who was willing to hide the tiny artwork inside these blankets. Two days before Apollo 12 launched, Myers received a telegram that ...
在50年前的阿波罗登月计划中,通用的第一辆LRV是电池驱动的四轮车,他们尽可能地将其拆开,以便能够装入土星五号火箭进行发射。它们还可以折叠,以便装入阿波罗任务的月球旅行舱(Lunar Excursion Module,LEM)。 动力采用的是在当时属于高度复杂技术的36伏银锌氢氧化钾电池。它们不可充电,这对于像阿波罗这样的单程任务来...
Inside the Operations and Checkout Building high bay at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, technicians dressed in clean-room suits have installed a back shell tile panel onto the Orion crew module and are checking the fit next to the middle back shell tile pa...